Guilty Pleasures


Shared on Thu, 01/18/2007 - 08:29

We all do it, and we all feel bad for doing it. We’re on our way to work, and see the flashing lights up ahead. Traffic slows, and we start cursing under our breaths. Then we start openly cussing out each and every person who is slowing down so they can get a 1.8 second glimpse at the accident that has now caused you to be late for work. You inch up slowly for the final half mile…and just as you reach the two cars sitting on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck…you do it too. We all love the trainwreck.

I don’t understand why we do it, but there must be some part of the human psyche that loves watching other people’s misery. That is the only thing that explains it. It goes beyond just sheer curiosity – because we know what we’re going to see. We’ve seen it before, it turns out to be nothing special, and we forget about it right after we pass it by. But some part of us just loves it. I can’t explain what it could be, nor could anyone else I’d wager.

That’s the ONLY reason why American Idol exists in my not-so-humble opinion. Ok, perhaps there’s a small segment of the population that doesn’t tune into these first several weeks of the show and is really intent on seeing those who have the talent and can make a living in the music industry. However, I represent the vast, VAST majority who could care less for those who could sing, but would rather laugh our collective asses off at those fools who think they can sing, believe they can sing, know they can sing and show up for these first auditions.

Every time I see a clip or hear it on the radio, I let out an audible “WTF”. How can some people – most of the people – be so disillusioned to believe they have a gift to sing well when to every other human ear it’s blatantly obvious they can’t carry a tune in a paper bag. I don’t think I can sing…I don’t believe I can sing…I KNOW I can’t. Acknowledging that isn’t such a hard thing to do for me. I don’t lose any sleep over it. What I can’t understand is how some people can’t figure that out, and need someone on a nationally broadcast television show to tell you it. I guess that’s a question that will never be answered well - but I don't need it answered. I'll sit back on my couch and laugh at the people as they make fools of themselves in front of millions. Even I - knowing full well how pathetic it is - can't turn away from it 100% of the time.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a videoclip…well, more. The proof is in the puddin’.



Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Thu, 01/18/2007 - 09:08
I totally am with you on the American Idol thing. I watched the two hours of it last night, and it was a riot! Seriously, the family and friends of some of these people are just CRUEL in telling them they are good singers and they should try to get on the show. By the way, I would be one of those cruel friends... if my friend sucked, and I knew it, I would totally lie and say he rocks and should try out. But, that's just the way I roll with my friends :)
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Thu, 01/18/2007 - 10:05
Thanks for the reminder. The train-wreck that is the first few episodes of a season are all I can stand to watch. One would think that after six seasons of shows that the producers would have enough footage to create a separate show based on talentless contestants and cruel 'judges'.
Robbway's picture
Submitted by Robbway on Thu, 01/18/2007 - 10:13
I also watched parts of this trainwreck. There are other reasons people tryout for AI: possible television exposure, a dare, and possibly even someone lying about your singing to be cruel. A lot of the ones they're picking on this year seem to be mentally ill. Monday night, some kid got really angry at Simon and came outside cursing this and that with the F-word. Then he went into a tirade about how they all hate him. Note that he didn't mean they hated his singing, but that they hate him, the person! They don't know him at all, so they can't hate him. Have there been any American Idol suicides reported? You can't blame a TV show on someone's mental state, but the H8-kid seemed unstable enough to do so. That wouldn't just be a train wreck, that would be a derailed train that fell 500 feet into a canyon, exploded and burned, and crushed by another derailed train.

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