Mad libs in the blogs...


Shared on Tue, 01/23/2007 - 17:41
Hey blog readers, Devonsangel (Soup's sister?) has posted a couple mad lib starters over in that blog. How about heading over there and trying out one or both just for kicks. Here is the link.

This is the start of my weekend, so I decided to a new game would be on tap. Headed over to BlockBuster and all that was available of the FPS I had pre-decided to be my next challenge was Quake 4. No rb6v (only one copy?!), no Halo (only one copy each?!) - hmmm, Quake 4 it is then. The good news is that after joining the game rental club at BB and paying full price for the first rental, all the following game rentals are free (+ monthly dues). I don't know if this would be better than GameFly, but for extended demoing this should work well.

While at BlockBuster I also grabbed a rental of Serenity in HD. NetFlix is sending me Jet Li's Fearless in HD (actually a hybrid disc). Despite the jet-pack 360 sitting next to me, watching movies in HD is awesome. The difference is like watching a movie in soft-focus (SD) vs sharp-focus (HD), or wearing a pair of dirt coated glasses vs freshly cleaned, or sex with a comdom vs bare, or stereo vs 7.1 surround sound. Well, you should get the idea. If you have an extra $200 and a 360 and a 7/5.1 sound system and a HD TV, it is highly recommended to get the 360 HD player.


Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Tue, 01/23/2007 - 18:11
Thanks for the advert Not Styro, I was surprised no one had participated yet.

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