My 360 Travel Case


Shared on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 21:06

With all the crap that's been going on lately, I thought I would focus on something that makes me happy. At Tank's suggestion, I started looking into getting a kit to take my 360 with me on the road. I travel quite frequently and at the time I had an ELEVEN day road trip coming up. I didn't want to be sitting in hotel rooms for that many days bored out of my noodle, so I got busy.

My company sells Pelican products and we use them around the shop to ship our equipment all the time. They are guaranteed to be un-bustable. You break anything on a case and they will repair it or replace the case. Watertight and very easily customizable. It was about fifteen minutes work, if you don't count being anal about the sticker placement.

I chose the 1510 model due to the size being a perfect fit in the overhead compartment of an airplane and wheeled, so I wouldn't have to lug it through the airport. If you would like to purchase one, you can do so from the Pelican website,, or I even found them at Fry's. Be warned, they are not cheap, but you get what you pay for. My Baby is worth every penny.

And on to the photos:

360 Box, Skippy and Pelican 1510 case

Lovely Spokesmonster!

Bottom layer of foam

2nd layer of fiitted tear-out foam:

2nd layer with 360 and PS in place:

Accessory inventory:

Accessories in place:

Accessories and lid for perspective (Goofball in background not included):

Game storage:

Removed foam:

Foam is attached together in pre-cut grid pattern. No tools needed, just a good eye:

1 cm foam grid squares:

I had purchased the VGA cable in case I needed to use a monitor. The plan was to purchase a 15" LCD monitor to pack in the lid, but I'm pretty close to the limit without squishing the crap out of the core and accessories. I'm still hunting, though. I may try and mod a monitor to fit in the lid, but I believe drilling into the case may void my warranty. I'll have to see what I can come up with. You can check out the 1510 here:

I can't get that fricking url shorten link crap to work. I guess I'm not as cool as I oughtta be!

And here's something for all the ladies!




OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 10:22
Sweetness! ( other than the Chia chin....:) )
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 11:51
nice pics! I will pass this along to my brother-in-law that is currently shopping for a travel case.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 08/07/2007 - 16:07
AweSome , didn't realize protetion meant bringing extra strengh protection

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