Day and the life of goodolplumber


Shared on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 21:45
Some think its great to be me, a delivery truck driver.I mean where else can you work without having to do much work at all, where if you walk into production you are told to return to the warehouse until needed.Well I got news for you it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

This my life:

I get up at 5:50 am Monday through Friday, I get dressed,  pack my lunch, and  I'm out  the door by 6:20 am  no later or least I try not to be.I listen to  John Boy and Billy in the morning  for my 25 min drive to work.I play along with John Boy Jeopardy and listen to Robert Rayford rants for the morning.I get to work I clock in and take my medicine one for depression, one for my blood pressure, and one for my blood sugar.Sit down in the break room and eat my breakfast and work in the warehouse doing nothing for 3 hrs.At 10:00 I go and check the mail and make it back to the plant around 10:30, wait for about 30 minutes then goto lunch.Wait another hour and a half to pull my deliveries and load them onto the truck for my fun filled 1 to 2 hrs of deliveries.Come back to work and stand around looking for something to do so till I can go home.

During the time I have to wait for something to do I worry about the others being mad at me because I'm not really allowed to work in production any longer.Hell I'm not even allowed to operate any of the equipment in production, they would rather take someone without any training at all or no interest in the job and give it to them.I would rather be up there doing the work that I am accustomed to, not drive a damn bob truck.I have been told to my face by my supervisor that he doesn't want me to run anything because I'm not worth the time for training.But then there are others there that really aren't worth the time and they get the jobs I'm after.I wish I could quit this job and go somewhere else but I can't, I pretty much sold my soul to the devil for this job.I don't want to wind up at another job where they are just going to do me the same way.Try me out on a few machines and say sorry but your just not trainable to run our equipment.I used to always to my supervisor when I worked on second shift that "If I only had one person showing me how to run the machine and not 4 or 5 others telling me that this is the way the would do it.I would be the greatest worker there is."But that will never happen everyone wants be helpful within the first 5 minutes your on the job.But no matter how much I shoo them away from me so I can learn from the person training me and let me do it his way for awhile.Oh well I guess such is life anymore everyone wants to be the Chief and not the Indian.


UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 22:38
Hope things get better for ya, homie. Dry, boring spells drag on the longest.

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