Internet Poltergeist


Shared on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 16:23

So, what can make someone new to the 360 cry?  Constant internet problems.  In November of 2005, when a good friend of mine got his 360, I was flabberghasted by the idea that he could pop in Call Of Duty 2 and after a very minimal amount of time, start shooting Nazis and Allies around the world in the face.  And then he could put in another game and be on line in a few more minutes.  Coming from PC and PS2 gaming this was a revolution.  PC online gaming is a fractured system; every game needs to be set up individually.  And online support for the PS2, well, if you  already know, you're already laughing, and if you don't, don't ask.

So now I have my shiny Xbox360 along with Gears of War and Rainbow 6: Vegas, which are not only online, but as far as I can tell, some of the best examples of online play currently available.  I play GoW co-op with my aforementioned buddy (who I'm trying to get to join here) and I play R6:V with the guys from 2old4Tactics, which has been great.

What is not great is my problems with my internet connection.    Here is what happens at no set time or activity level, but regularly enough to induce screaming, crying, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments:

  • Pages won't load on web browsers (both laptop and desktop).
  • Vonage drops calls or won't get a dial tone.
  • Connection drops to Xbox live or I start running around the map and realize that no one else is moving.
  • And, that intermediate patch on GoW (which just got re-patched) made it impossible to play online.  At all.
  • Today my wife had th internet and vonage fail and got a "Proxy Server failure".  WTF?  I don't use a proxy server at home!!

Here's what I started with:

  • Cox Cable (6.0m down/ 768k up)
  • Linksys/Vonage WRT54G2P (wireless G router with 2 Vonage phone ports)
  • Linksys WGA54AG (wireless gaming adapter a/g band)
  • my wife's Dell laptop
  • my desktop wired straight into the router

Here's what I have now after trying every different configuration to get the internet to work properly:

  • Bell South DSL (3m down / 512k up)
  • Zyxel X-550 Wireless G adapter with 360 plugged straight in (yes, it's Live approved)
  • Motorola Vonage Adapter
  • Mywife's dell laptop
  • My desktop with a wireless USB adapter.

As you can see, I've replaced almost everything.  I never have problems with signal strength, and these problems were around before the 360 (although, I'll admit, it was not as emotionally damaging then, but I was still tearing my hair out over it.  At least my wife doesn't think the 360 caused the problems.). 

I've have the problem no matter what for about 4 months.  Here are some solutions I've tried:

  • The Linksys WGA and the Zyxel did not play nice, I could not get them to work together at all.
  • I've tried with and without WEP.
  • I've opened all the ports for the xbox on the router.
  • I designated a static DCHP address for the xbox.
  • I've made the Xbox a DMZ
  • I've opened ports for the Vonage service
  • I've unplugged vonage and gone without
  • I've changed phone jacks or cable jacks for the 2 services (Cox and BellSouth)
  • I've tried using manual network settings on the xbox
  • I've called 1-800-my-xbox or whatever and that was 40 minutes of  "Yeah, it is approved.  Yes, I tried that, but I'll try again.  No I don't know"
  • I've also called Vonage, Cox, BellSouth, and Linksys.

The thing is, all of the internet problems happen at the same time, but as far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with traffic, time of day, weather, or how many curse words I string together.  Sometimes, I'll get to the desktop when this is happening and run "tracert"  I see my happy little packets bounce past the router, into the modem and about two nodes down the line, and they die, and everything is lost from there on out.  Is this an internet poltergeist? Has Katrina screwed internet in Southeastern Louisiana forever?  Are these the solar flares I always hear about?  Is this why my TiVo died?

/end rant

If you're still reading this and any of this made sense, or if I'm a complete moron who's missing something obvious, let me know.  Seriously, if you fix it, you might just see some microsoft points in your mailbox.  I'm that frustrated and I know my wife is, too.  Any one who fixes this gets at least my undying devotion, if not a little goody for being a good samaritan.


Kyosogi's picture
Submitted by Kyosogi on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 11:44
Are you using repeaters or access points in your network? Did you activate any bells and whistles features on your previous wireless router and/or current wireless router (range max, super g, turbo, blah, blah)? Are your wireless adapters for your computers of different brands (probably not likely the source of problem)? Are the problems intermittent, or consistent? I had a bitch of a time using a g band repeater in a wireless environment. I would get a strong signal, DCHP configured addresses properly, everything a go-go until every 20 minutes or so I would lose a connection. A few minutes later, no problem, rinse and repeat. I didn't really notice it until the Xbox 360 live connections would drop consistently. I tried many of the fixes you mention.... The solution was despite the g router being of same brand and band, it was set on a range-boosting feature. The repeater could not accept/repeat the signal alteration and would drop the connection every so often. Once I disabled that on the router, everything was fine. My experience says to check your router settings and see if your adapters are compatible with the signal the router is transmitting (MIMO in your case). I hope it's as simple as that.... but good luck.
English_C6H6's picture
Submitted by English_C6H6 on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 15:36
No range booster or speed booster. When there is a problem (maybe 2-3 nights a week) I run tracert and see all my packets die outside of Atlanta (sounds like a rap song). I wasn't thinking it was the ISP when I had Cox, so I never ran tracert. I ordered a new router, and my wife cancelled Cox and got DSL. I'm amjorly frustrated, but a little fatalistic about getting it fixed. Right now my network goes like this: DSL Modem> Zyxel X550 > 360 (wired) > Motorola Vonage Adapter Desktop (wireless usb) Laptop (wireless card) When one has problems, they all have problems and no amount of hard resetting fixes anything. It's pretty much useless for at least 5 hours. You might get 3 minutes of play or a couple of pages to load, but then it's dead. I've even tried selectively removing elements (doesn;t work even w/o router and DSL straight to 360). I'm also having problems getting my xbox to see my computer with either the Zune software or WMP 11. No matter which I use, the "sharing media services" option always causes a lockup. I've tried using the method where you use services.msc to reset all of those services and the dependancies, but no luck.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 17:35
First step for your 360 well first off I would check to make sure all your routers and adapters are xbox live certified, along with there current firware.. check that here.. If they are not, that could be part of your problem. Infact major nelson (xbl guy) stated last week this is a big thing that has cause a lot of issues lately. The firmware thing might help out your normal internet connection as well, but you might have to do the dreaded tech support thing with your isp provider..YUK... good luck man.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 20:23
It's nothing you are doing, it's your ISP that is causing the problems and they will never admit it. Since it is not a local issue for you (between your router and the pole), calling the ISP will accomplish nothing much, they might send a guy out to you to check your connections and then charge you when they find nothing wrong. Trust me, the technical guys in the ISP know all about what is going on, but they don't tell the customer service people anything so the CSR is stuck telling you nothing is wrong on their end, it must be your end. Since you have had this problem with 2 different ISPs I suspect it is the main peering point for your area, there is probably a problem as the packet leaves your ISP's network. Basically you're fucked.

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