Not so bad of a night.....


Shared on Wed, 01/31/2007 - 01:23

Well, I started the night out playing a little Tiger Woods '07, and my putting couldn't have been more off.  I ended up playing with my friends on there which turned into the biggest session of shit talking I have ever been in since my normal partner wasn't there and I always got the fat kid as my partner.  So in case any of you know about golf, you need a good shit talking partner to keep the over all shit talking to a minimum.........So I basically just sat there and didn't talk, well then I went to halo since my friends got offline and nothing was going on there....  Then my normal partner got on Tiger and so i went back there and won a game, but then he got booted offline since the EA Servers suck my left nutt.......  Anyway went back to halo and found a few ppl online and ended up doing just are a couple examples.......


turned out to be an ok night, and now i can sleep soundly.........thought i would post this here to see if anyone actually reads this, and possibly get more people to bookmark this freaking amazing they can stop by more often and witness the pwnage that occasionally happens.......


OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 01/31/2007 - 08:38
Sometimes you just have to watch # of viewed "hits" because many people dont comment. It can be discouraging if you want comments each time,so many people cover so much ground here on the site they NEVER leave comments. But you know what they say.......If you build it they will come!
thebrigade's picture
Submitted by thebrigade on Wed, 01/31/2007 - 18:24

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