02/01/07 (Dept. Changes)


Shared on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 19:43

God I really need to keep up with my blog.........

Ok, so since my last blog a "very" lot has changed @ work. I have been transfered to a new fire station (#3), not for any reason just a whole department restructuring. Nothing bad, it has been a good move for me (since Jan 1). I now get to see a new part of the city and a new fire district that I haven't been in for approx. 5 years, and a new crew that I havent seen for a few years. If you have been reading my blog you'll know about the new rookie that I was assigned to train - well now that I got transfered I have a new rookie that I'm with and all is well so far. He is a good kid and this time he is younger than me so the whole age problem with my last probie is now corrected. (I'm still very much "friends" with my past rookie & talk to him often, even though he still stayed in the previous district I was in.). My new rookie is 10 years younger then me so the wierd age thing is gone - he thinks of me as an older veteran. (age 31 I'm hardly OLD). Our department will be going to 24 hour shifts soon, which is why I havent been keeping up with my blog very much. I was trying to wait for a big posting with my new shifts. All this should be starting soon......I'll post more on this subject soon..........





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