Hiding behind the internet...


Shared on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 19:11
I just love internet tough guys, those who act all tough but know nothing can be done to them so they spout off, attacking anyone who might disagree with them in veiled threats or offensive comments. Especially on a site where people are supposed to be mature adults and act mature, not cry and moan.

My favorite one was directed at me for making a small comment on a PG rated avatar (this one)

I made the comment that you will see worse on day time TV and that this persons work must have a strict policy.

Raiz3r also made a comment which was not tactful but hey people have bad days, could be drinking, may have just broken up with their wife, found a rash where there should not be one, or even just got T-Bagged by a 11 year old girl who offered them her Barbie as a price for last place in Halo 2, but of course people go on the offensive.. which I also understand. A guildmate, friend, or something made a comment and "CHARGE" is the first response. Hey were are human, but still.. if you have a issue with someone over another issue that you have no real need to comment on, take it to Private Messages, or Email, or Xbox Live messages.. Getting into calling people names like "Blog Whore" is so manly... hiding behind your computer and not trying to have a grown up conversation.. (yes I am making fun of you) is really the "Timmy" way to go.

Sure I may blog 4-5 times in a day, but 90% of the time it is game related (either my own, or an upcoming game) I get many emails and PMs from people talking about games, my Yahoo/MSN goes often, and yet I know there are people who hate me and the blog and you know what.. I have asked more often then I care to, PM me or leave a comment and tell me why.. but people just basically dont, either they are just haters or punk out because if they PM/Comment they are slowly moving out of the hidden immunity of the internet. Yes they are still protected, but know someone knows their fuzzy ass name.

So until Doodirock says only 1 blog per day, I get bored of blogging, or someone mans up.. ill blog as much as I have. Plus, look at everyone else who blogs 3-5 even 6 times a day on average.. Im far from the only one..

and remember Jessie Summers says play nice


Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 10:51
... never blog drunk.. /goes and shaves tongue
NorthernPlato's picture
Submitted by NorthernPlato on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 19:17
Nooooo...don't stop blogging! Screw the haters. I hate haters...err...fuck the paradox there. Seriously though (damn Grey's Anatomy for that!!), 2o2p has already gone through it's 'what's appropriate for pics in blogs/avatars/sigs' phase. If someone has complained to a mod, and the pic [b]still[/b] is there next time, guess what people, the pic is ok.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 19:21
I wont stop.. (man it takes me so long to spell tonight, Crown Royal good spellr it mak mee) I have a few editiorals to work on this weekend.. but also some obscure games to blog about.. ya, its time to move forward for sure
Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 19:41
Dude, keep blogging. As to the haters, it's like cable... if you don't like it, don't watch. But don't go crying to the cable company trying to get the channel removed and fuck the rest of us.
FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ's picture
Submitted by FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 20:23
So my comment wasn't directed to you. Your name wasn't even in it. It was directed at Raiz3R and meant to turn the tables on him and make him think about attacking a new member with a legitimate question. I was just going to let it be what it was but I re-read your blog. So i think this might be the most hypocritical blog of all time. My comment that got this blog started was actually thought out, and not an angry rant. There were no veiled threats. Who's big the big guy behind the keyboard now? While you do exactly what your complaining about in this blog to me. I could care less how much anyone blogs to be honest, I like pics of mostly naked women, but I have heard people complain about there blogs being knocked off because someone wants to just post a pic. According to the wiki: A blog is a user-generated website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. But do what you want just don't attack people for no reason. Once again this last comment is not at you. I am FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ and I approve of this message.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 21:30
Hey man don't stop blogging, don't stop all your postings, you and Tank are one of my sources of information here at 2o2p. If you guys quit posting i'd be upset because I really do value your information. Why do you think I always pop in whatever forum asking what something is or when something is coming out...because I know you guys will be there more often than not with an answer and I always ALWAYS appreciate that. Take care man :)
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 21:52
Well if you read the entire blog again Fuzz it was only partially directed at you, but towards others who hide.. Ill admit it started out in one direction and moved towards another.. shit happens. But at least those out there know my view instead of hiding (not directed at you Biz (clear?)) @Nomad lol, no worries lots of stuff to come, and I see the support.. we are laughing at this right now (me and the other drunks.. err.. need to be PC.. those abused by booze..) @Drost good saying..
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 22:03
btw is it just me or is the girls Anti Aliasing off.. she is fuzzy
FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ's picture
Submitted by FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 23:50
Ok I'm over it now. If you read my last blog you would know how concerned I really am with blogging. I'll save you the time and let you know that I have never and might never blog. I just don't want to see people attacked from nowhere unless your on the other team. And if your last comment is a veiled joke about me being a girl that was pretty good.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 01:05
@fuzz, it wasnt.. she looks like she is fuzzy.. white lines on her legs.. I know it wasnt my eyes because I am sober now.. mostly
Raiz3R's picture
Submitted by Raiz3R on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 04:00
Hey falelorn in no way was i insulting you bro it was meant as a joke. Dude i love your Blog. I view it everyday and everytime i see it up in the top 4 i check out what else you have put up.Dont ever hesitate to crack a joke on me seriously man, it was a joke, and im truly sorry if i offended you. And as for the guy that reported me over to the moderators. Yes i attacked him. And i apologize for being so obscene in that post about my avatar. I just didnt like the idea that somone went behind my back.When They could of just asked me first. So its in the past and no hard feelings towards anyone. Hugs and Kisses.......lol
Raiz3R's picture
Submitted by Raiz3R on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 04:16
Wait a min.... Scratch that last post out. At least the one to you Falelorn. I just went back and read the thread you were refering to. And you had me thinking that ((i)) called YOU a Blog Whore. Wow this is becoming a prime time soap show.....lol Oh well Blog on Buddie.....lol
FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ's picture
Submitted by FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 09:19
You should have taken credit for it being a joke, it made me laugh.

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