Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 07:56I have been playing video games of some sort for many years. I only started playing online about a year ago. Call me chicken, but I didn't want to take the chance of getting into a "situation" I couldn't handle. Of course, 2old2play has made me very comfortable with online gaming, since I know I always have someone in the "family" to game with, if I want. That being said, I had the weirdest thing happen to me. I am currently playing WOW with all the other addicts in Orcsplitters Local 101. I haven't been able to level up enuf to go on raids and such, but i like reading the guild chat. On the other hand, I often hook up with other gamers, just cuz I run into them and we are doing the same quest. Here's the weird thing......
A few days ago, a night elf (my char is also a night elf) approached me and told me I was beautiful. That has happened before, and I consider it a joke, so I played along a litte, telling him I thought he was cute, too. Suddenly he was proclaiming great love for me and, to make a long story short, asked me to marry him and join his guild. I told him that my guild members would not allow that and thought that would be the end of it. Then, he sorta started stalking me, and I still found this to be harmless, since he was just stalking my character. I kept putting him off, even tho he was very insistent I give him an answer on his marriage proposal. It was starting to interfere with my game, cuz I really just wanted to grind away and try to level up. So, I got offline and figured he would find someone else to harrass. A couple days later, I was able to get on to play for a bit, and, geez, there he was. He wanted me to meet someone. Kept calling me "baby". So, I met this someone...... She said she was his "old girlfriend". Then she PMd me "did I think this was a joke?" I said, you tell me. She told me he was serious, and that she was his sister. I asked how old he was. 14!!!!!!!! I told her i was old enuf to be his grandmother, and she requested, quite strongly, that I break it off with him, NOW!!!!! I figure this poor kid is a little nuts, or lonely, or something, so I went thru a role play thing and told him I couldn't marry him, etc. He started crying....... Told me I broke his heart. Ack! If i hadn't talked to his "sister", I would have thought it was all a joke, but apparently not. I said goodbye and walked away.
In a way it is funny. In another way it is sad. I have heard about people (kids) that actually "live" their online lives, so to speak. I didn't believe it. At least this boy was all about love and nice, and not trying to kill me or anything. Or get my email, phone number, or address. I suspect that might have come later. So sad.........
- pearly_54's blog
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