Short Hiatus


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 14:11

Hello once again. It's been awhile since my last blog due to lifes little chalenges. I just wanted to share with all of you the true joy I have had playing with all of you from this site. What a blast to find like minded gamers who just enjoy playing and socializing. It is great.

Now for the main subjet. I have been promoted from the Departmen of Moter Vehicles radio room to becoming an actual field enforcement agent. Yes that means a pay raise and 20 year retirement. Unfortunately it also means going to the peace officer academy for 11 months to learn everything I will need to know to get the job done. So I will be MIA from march through may except for weekends. The unit I got hired by is the mobile scales team unit. What that means is throughout the year we will travel all over the state of Arizona to set up mobile scales to wiegh and inspect commercial trucks so I will get to see all of the beautiful areas that Arizona has to offer and the state pays for every penny of it. I can't wait. Call me crazy but I actually love to travel and experience new things so this will be right up my alley. My wife is actually looking forward to it as well since she will get the 55 inch hi-def wide screen back for awhile to watch her shows on instead of me playing games on it.

I thought to finish off this blog entry I would put a couple of pictures up to show you all the diversity we have here in Arizona.

This first one is yours truely out in the desert with my new benelli 20gauge doing some target practice.

Next is a picture I took with my sons at a lake in northern Arizona by a town called Williams.

And last but not least a picture my wife took of the San Francisco peeks up in Flagstaff, Arizona.

I hope these all turn out okay and I can't wait to get back from my training so I can enjoy more gaming with all of you. See ya soon.


doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 14:57
OMG, that part of the country is beautiful! Awesome pictures!
Lusetti67's picture
Submitted by Lusetti67 on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 16:01
I am glad to have you on my FR Wolf. Its crazy just through our conversations and chatter on XBL you begin to really get to know people. We have never met face to face but I feel like am getting to know you. We have similar hobbies I see I have a benelli over under I use for skeet I dont hunt or shoot much anymore living in So Cal there are not many places to go without a drive. Camping and fishing are my favorites as well. Your pictures are awsome where is that lake have you ever dropped a line in it? I have not blogged on this site yet I have been thinking of it you have inspired me to do so. Take it easy Bra!! later
PoltegIce's picture
Submitted by PoltegIce on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 16:30
Good riddence to bad rubbish, thats what i say! Just kidding, we will keep a slot all warm for ya so when you get back you'll not even realise you had left. We will make ewok keep it warm, then when you get back we will just boot him. No one will mind :)

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