Happy Valentine's Day ?


Shared on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 09:02

I wonder if I’m the only one who never knows quite how to feel about this particular day of the year.

On one hand, ‘manufactured holidays’ really bug me. Valentine’s Day – or more aptly named “I-Wish-I-Owned-Stock-in-Hallmark Day” – is one of those that really sticks out. Hell, it’s not even Hallmark that loves today. How many ads have you heard on the radio or seen on TV in the past two weeks for a jewelry store? I lost count. Let’s not forget all florists in the United States that are sitting back tonight and basking in newly found fortunes by all the men who know full well, as beer is a key to our heart, flowers unlock a woman’s almost without exception. So here we have it…a day with more industrial lobbyists partaking in pushing for a single day of importance than any other I can think of.

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Also, at the end of the day…where in history is February 14th the day? If we want to go all official, Valentine’s Day should be May 2nd as that is the saint’s day for St. Valentine after all, no? Anyways…enough about the “glass is half empty” side of the equation…

Then we have what makes Valentine’s Day worth celebrating – the additional focus it puts on those who are special in our lives, traditionally our spouses and children. I’m blessed to have both, and always look forward to this day – even in the face of the feelings above – because it serves as a not-so-gentle reminder of how special they are to me, and how much I love them without question, and without thought.

I was thinking about it the other day as I picked out cards for my daughter and wife. Early on in our relationship and marriage, I was like most other guys out there – I looked for the tab that said “Wife” and picked the first rectangular piece of stationary there and went with that. However, in the past several years, I’ve found myself actually reading the cards before I buy them, and looking for one that really expresses my feelings. I know…I’m feeding into the “Hallmark Day” by doing it. But I have to give props to the people who write the cards. I can’t imagine how they do it…I couldn’t stand the cheer and goodwill that must be present in those offices. But each year they don’t fail in giving us cards that we can hand to our loved ones, and feel like the card was written specially for us and how we are feeling. So even with the hatred for the constant push of merchandise down our manly throats, I’m still glad we have this day to celebrate those we love and make sure they know it.

And then there’s the candy…well, I’ll let that speak for itself.


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