Shared on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 16:17I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my own personal hang-ups. Expounding upon them in blog format can’t possibly be a good idea, but then again...that type of thing has never given me even a moment’s pause before. I really appreciate packaging and marketing, so I fancied a catchy title would be in order. With this in mind sprung “The Nine Neuroses of Kwazy.”
I asked my beloved wife if she thought I’d be able to come up with nine, the number required by the namesake. Her response was something along the lines of “Everyone who’s ever spent five minutes with you should be able to come up with at least that many.” And she’s pretty sure that her personal list would be closer to Nena’s luft balloons rather than Trent Reznor’s nails. Well, with that kind of encouragement, inspiration and success seem not just likely but almost assured.
I’d like to think this activity not simply a introverted indulgence, but a legitimate attempt to figure out some of my motivations and catalysts. At least once a day I silently form the word “dumbass” in my head. These usually occur five seconds after I’ve said or done something which has caused hurt or anger. Often times these people hurt or angered are large people with very little to lose. These are not the people you want hurt or angered. It is better to antagonize children, old people, specially abled people, or any other type of people who as a group neither run fast or fight well...preferably both.
- Kwazy's blog
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Submitted by Devonsangel on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 16:20
Submitted by CofC on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 16:32
Submitted by Fetal on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 18:48
Submitted by Kwazy on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 19:22