Sweet jeebus, I'm out of shape...


Shared on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 19:52
In light of the recent changes in my life, I've decided to make some positive choices and get myself on a regular exercise regimen. the flipside of that is that I feel I'm too doughy to even think about showing my face in a gym. So, in order to burn off some flab, I've opted to just plain start getting more activity in my life. Combine that with video games and a PS2 and what do you get?

That's right. Dance Dance Revolution.

So this evening I broke out my copy of DDR Supernova I purchased the other day and fired it up. Clicked over to workout mode and input my weight. I won't mention it here because even for my 6'4" frame it's more than a bit over the norm and more than slightly embarrassing. I set the amount of calories I wanted to burn per round and kicked it off.

Now, let me preface the next part of this by saying that while my hand-eye coordination is halfway decent, my foot-eye coordination blows goats. Ergo, my score blew goats. Even on the easy songs. But I kept on moving because in the end I didn't care about the score on my first try, just the amount of a workout I got. After two rounds I knocked off because I was feeling winded and I know my body's limits.

My legs felt like Jell-O.

My heart felt like a trip-hammer.

My mouth felt like the rug of a camel tent.

And I had essentially jogged the equivalent of 2 miles in under 15 minutes. I hadn't done anything like that since I was in junior high.

It may not be much, but I'm pretty damn proud of myself for that. Now I just have to keep it up on a regular basis. That and figure out some way to keep the dance pad from shifting around on the carpet...


Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 22:14
Dude you should get Stepmania for the PC. its the pc equivalent of DDR and you can customize your own songs. I've got all the DDRs so far on my pc with it. I hooked my pc up to my tv and its like having my own DDR arcade machine at home. Just needed a PS2 controller to USB adapter for the dance pad and that was it.
TechParadox's picture
Submitted by TechParadox on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 22:21
I'm somewhat familiar with StepMania - it's a very cool implementation of BeMani games for the PC. Unfortunately my PC is nowhere near the TV at the moment so hooking it up in that way is a no-go. But if I had the ability to hook it up, I probably would have went that route - After all, StepMania is free :D

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