

Shared on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 20:16

The wife and I came to a conclusion tonight.  It seems  I can either drink heavily, or have a civil conversation with my father…not both.  You see, my parents were over for dinner tonight.  The evening had all the trappings of a pleasant meeting.  Wife dusted off her formidable, if underutilzed, culinary skills.  Decent wine, no invasions by rogue Nazi Elvis impersonators.  Should by all accounts have been a very pleasant evening.  But no.  Pops and I fought about everything.  Politics, health care, economics.  We actually got in an argument at one point about what kind of dog we’re going to get….the wife and I, not the Dad and I.  The problem is not that we argue, but that I’m right.  This was not something for which I was prepared.


So how do you cope with the growing realization that your parents aren’t the bastions of knowledge you’ve built up throughout your development?  I feel like I’m the last one let in on a sick joke.  And the really sad thing is that I realize this is the best it’s ever going to get. 


UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 01:12
My dad thought I was an idiot when I was a teenager, and he was probably right. After I joined the Marine Corps, I've never lived closer than 1300 miles from home. The distance has allowed an emotional seperation that you can't get if you have constant contact with someone. How many old friends do you run into and say "Holy crap, you're bald!", that you see every day? You see them after a year, and the change is dramatic. I think the distance has allowed my father an I to actually become closer. I spent ten days with him last spring and I was surprised at how well we get along now. He's seen my growth into a man and his predispositions of seeing me as a goofy kid are now gone. The change has been dramamtic over 15 years. I was able to teach him things he didn't know, just as he taught me all those years ago. Your dad may be intimidated by your ability to excel, or possibly he feels a little threatened by seeing you as an equal. There is no telling. I think maybe a period of quiet from you might go a long way toward your father seeing you as an adult, not a child or adversary. I hope you can find a bit of common ground. There is nothing worse than fighting with those you love most. Good Luck.
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 05:17
Thanks for the advice. Time apart might help us gain perspective. The challenge will be they live in the next town over. I think I'll be well-served by not playing into his arguments...working on the stuff and can affect.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 06:49
Indianapolis have a problem with Rogue Nazi Elvis impersonators? Boy, things have changed since I lived in Lafayette.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 08:42
I remember it was tough learning that my dad was human. That he had flaws. And, as he aged, things that he just to do better then I could, soon he was asking me to do for him. It used to bother me, quite a bit actually. But fortunately we don't fight a lot. I save that for siblings.
cookieklr's picture
Submitted by cookieklr on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 11:54
The distance thing helps on some things. We moved away during a time of turmoil and divorce for my husband's parents. At the time, we had just had a new baby and they were not getting along well at all and seemed to keep putting us in the middle of their issues. My husband took a new job an hour away, so we moved to that town. The distance allowed us to stay out of the middle of things so much and now we all get along pretty well. But my dad has become more stubborn and set in his ways over the last few years and we actually fight more now than we ever have. Actually,it's not so much fighting as me telling him I really do know what I'm doing and will he please refrain from forcing his opinions down my throat when I've already explained I have the bases covered? LOL. Parents are a difficult breed, huh? Of course, now that I am one....hehe, my poor boys!
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 14:47
"Actually,it's not so much fighting as me telling him I really do know what I'm doing and will he please refrain from forcing his opinions down my throat when I've already explained I have the bases covered?" Bingo
Babytarbs's picture
Submitted by Babytarbs on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 00:07
Sorry you had a falling out with your dad. Being the baby in my family I constantly get treated as though I don't know what I'm doing. You have to finally get to the point where you do what you think is right and your parents will just have to deal with it. My parents and I have butted (is that a word?) heads many times on my life decisions. I think they've either given up on me or have just come to the conclusion that I learn my own lessons in my own way and in my own time.
CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 22:43
Sorry you had a bad evening with your dad.

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