Good News


Shared on Mon, 03/12/2007 - 22:47
Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job! Got the job!
Got the job!!!!!!!!
I am officially a ROCKET MAN!!!
That's pretty much what I did! :)


mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 14:05
thanks guys
DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 08:55
You are the man!
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 16:34
Hahahaha! That first chick will be hating life when she gets herself knocked up and those cute little flowers grow to Jurassic Park size.....
kewljoe's picture
Submitted by kewljoe on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 12:27
Who's Jon? and glad hes ok. Sounds like your very busy, life sometimes get kinda overwhelming so its good to have the games to unplug from the real world for a while
rumbagod's picture
Submitted by rumbagod on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 17:09
i get flutters but not in me heart boyo ;) i'm aware of my heart palpitations as well, it's friggin' trippy at times, feeling it jerk like a spaz for about 3 or 5 seconds....then all is calm again
sweetdulce's picture
Submitted by sweetdulce on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 12:49
He's my fiance.
sweetdulce's picture
Submitted by sweetdulce on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 12:50
Oh, and thanks! :)
REDAPPLE's picture
Submitted by REDAPPLE on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 10:22
That is GREAT news man. Congrats and wish you the best!! Now get back into GRAW2!!!!!
BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 13:01
Happy to hear that Jon is doing well and congrats on the new opportunity. On a side note, I have been to Kabuki once and I got sick, so I am not a fan, but I am possibly the only person on this site that knows the restaurant that you are talking about. :)
sweetdulce's picture
Submitted by sweetdulce on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 13:13
Thank you! I'm glad I haven't gotten sick from Kabuki. I have however had an unfortunate experience with Hooters haha :)
wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Sat, 04/26/2008 - 09:53
my heart does the same thing. It will beat crazy for 20 seconds or so, then go back to it's regularly scheduled program. I had to go through the whole business of wearing a heart monitor and and ultrasound, but they couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. My docotor said that some people are prone to 'flutters' I guess my grandmother has them once in awhile so they run in the family. Going forward, I try to pay attention to what I eat, and make sure to try and get in an hours worth of activity daily.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 14:50
Good Luck on BF:BC, But if you put in Civ Rev like everyone else you mine as well tell BF good bye for awhile.
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 12:58
I definitely agree with the exercise helping.. For me it relieves the stress, makes me more energetic & helps burn away those beers drank during football. good to hear you'll be better in no time. -J
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 13:24
good luck with that justarbi. My husband worked nights for 5 years on a 12 hour 3 day on/2 day off type job. It really screwed up his sleep schedule that led to some serious health problems (not to mention several accidents) down the line.
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 14:56
Yeah, I think I might go for a PC title instead. Something I can play away from the TV. Or better, while i watch TV
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:03
I went to the Police show in Phoenix a couple months ago and loved it. You are not going to be disappointed. If you are, then you suck.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:04
The SP on BF:BC was fun, but the MP is what will keep you coming back for more. It takes a bit to get used to because the the number of large maps they have but it has been a blast so far. Make sure you get on the aa202pBField tag!
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:05
I can't see being dissapointed. I have been a life long Police Fan...well since I hit 10 at least. My only possible complaint would be that Sting probably has changed the basic grove behind some songs. But I am not in the majority because I really really like Stings Music..asides fromt he last CD that is.
Zikan's picture
Submitted by Zikan on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 08:54
Glad to hear it, Mac. We'll add you to the list of 2o2p'ers we pray for.
BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:06
LOL! There's a pair of Sheryl Crow tickets for free on the fridge in the office pantry right now. I got phyically ill just having to walk by them... ;-)
elbe121's picture
Submitted by elbe121 on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 09:15
Glad to hear it Mac!
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:08
Yeah it was one of those prizes like....great...can I get cash value?
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:27
see there is the catch, there is no cash value
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:51
@Rabb, truer words never spoken. Except about the cow pouring milk over itself.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 15:52
the milk is government milk doubt
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 10:42
That's great news Mac.:)
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 21:20
Salude! Um, can you get your friends discounts? Coupons? Anything? :)
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 03:00
Thats awesome man, hope its everything you imagined and more!
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 06:12
kewljoe's picture
Submitted by kewljoe on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 17:25
I have NEVER had a bad experience with HOOTERS....>=D
GotMilkman12's picture
Submitted by GotMilkman12 on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 06:33
Hells Yeah!!! (I know how much you love that saying) Congrats man. Now stop being a crotchety old fart and start gaming more!

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