The hardest hit


Shared on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 08:51

I can punch pretty hard. I also can take a lot of punches and not back down. I suppose it would be better if I could block and parry better and not get punched so much, but it doesn’t bother me. The hardest hit, though, is the one that takes your will away. The one that breaks you inside. It’s quite a blow to find out you’re not who you think you are, or that your not good at something you really thought you were good at or that you really enjoyed.

I sparred against this guy once. I think he was 18 years old, maybe only 17. But he was 2-3 inches taller than me and had a good 30 pounds on me. I could tell by the way he walked, talked, dressed, and acted that he fancied himself to be quite the badass. He was constantly hounding me to spar with him. One day, I agreed to get in the ring with him.

The first round, we traded blows. I let him throw punches at will, knowing he would tire out quickly (he was a smoker). By the second round, I began scoring punches on him liberally. Stiff jabs, crosses, hooks to the body. And then he started making noises when I’d hit him. It’s hard to describe the sound – kind of a whimper, kind of a moan, kind of a grunt. The expression on his face was changing from one of aggressiveness to one of hopelessness. And with every punch, I could feel myself stealing his will to be in the ring. I use the word “steal” because it felt like what I was doing was wrong. I was taking away from him his pride, his will, his love of the “sweet science” of boxing.

In the third round, he was having problems defending himself at all. I could pick and choose my shots. The coach yelled “Knock him out, Steve!” This kid’s head was completely unguarded. I could have put him to sleep with a shot to the head, but instead threw a right hook into his ribs. He collapsed. He was still sitting on the mat, right where I dropped him, in the corner of the ring with his arms draped over the ropes well after I had left the ring.

Later, I saw him sitting by the lockers with his face in his hands. I couldn’t tell if he had been crying, but I heard him say the coach, “I don’t want to box anymore”. I really felt bad for him. He thought he was a good fighter. He enjoyed fighting. And I took both of those things away from him.

Lately, that’s what video game playing has been like for me -- except I'm on the receiving end. I’m really coming to the realization that I’m not that good. I’m finding myself routinely getting my ass handed to me in online play and it’s starting to affect my enjoyment of gaming. That’s a hard hit to handle…


Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 08:54
Welcome to my world. But, don't give up if you really like to play; practice and find people who will help. They are out there.
English_C6H6's picture
Submitted by English_C6H6 on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 09:15
Ah, but the difference here is that in boxing or other sparring, it literally hurts to lose. Also, losing says something about how dedicated you are to training. The guys who don't train hard are the ones who end up looking pathetic. Boxing and other martial arts teach you discipline and keep you in shape, giving you benefits beyond the "fun" of beating an opponent. In video games, I think the ones who "train" the hardest are the ones I pity. I play video games to have fun and relax. If you want to take it seriously, that's fine. But don't tell me you're 133t b/c you can take out some guy who is sipping beers and talking with his wife about whether the kids are actually asleep while trying to aim a sniper rifle. That's like me saying I could kick some guys ass while he's watching his kid's soccer game. The people are there for 2 different reasons. This is why I play with the folks I do, because I want to have fun, not to "be the best." If that's what's fun for you, fine. But I'll be in a different room, knocking back beers and trying to aim while I laugh uncontolably at something funny somebody said.
ElmanJo's picture
Submitted by ElmanJo on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 09:03
When I do get into rooms with more skilled players, I try and pick up some pointers, but I don't try to compete with them. I play too many other games.
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 09:22
Valid points, English. I appreciate you putting it in perspective for me. I think a big part of the problem is I've been finding myself in rooms with highly skilled, highly competitive players (essentially the sort of people who don't wind up in 2old4tactics).
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 09:35
Maybe I have to fire up R6 one of these nights and be a tomato can for you guys. I'm horrible at that game.
M13a77's picture
Submitted by M13a77 on Sat, 04/14/2007 - 11:22
I know this is a bit of a late post but.... don't give up on playing if its something you enjoy. Like everyone else is saying, there are people out there that want to play for the fun of playing. I was in the same boat Clem, I was about to give up on playing online when I found 2O2P. since then I have been gradually redefining why it is I played in the first place. The people on here are a special breed of gamers and even though not everyone is on my FL I have found some great people to play with that have made it worth while and enjoyable to play online again. Don't give it up.

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