Building Update #2


Shared on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 09:23

Well, got a little closer to completion last night. We got the side walls up and one of the roof beams. All thats left is 2 more roof beams, roof and doors!! It should not be taking this long but we are having to go back and redo some stuff (cough - father in law not listening to son in law - cough). The side piece that was too long, turned out that somehow we took it apart and flipped the left and right side and it worked!!! No idea what the deal with that was!!?? I am taking off early today hopefully to get things set for us tonight. I am hoping that if I can get home and get everything set up, that it will flow better and I can lead the charge. Don't get me wrong about my father in law, he is a great builder. I have learned alot from him when I have helped him build things such as his deck, but with this metal building, he suxs!! The man WON"T read the instructions and goes out of order and that is why we are having to go back and redo things. Hopefully we will be done with it tonight and then this weekend, we can fill it up!!

We finally got the achievement in GRAW2 for the 60 minute defend. We were able to find a host that could host 16, thanks Islanta. We started out with 16 and when we finished had 8 still alive. That is the most work I have done in a while for an achievement. Going to get back in RB6 tonight, been about 4 months since I have played that. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Here in the south it is going to be beutiful!!!!


His is some Chris Farley for everyone. Miss him a lot. Never have laughed as hard as I did the first time I saw Tommy Boy!!






DeltaT's picture
Submitted by DeltaT on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 19:51
Come on Apple! still working on that building!!!!!!!! Want me to come and show yas how its done! The drive there will take longer than putting the building errr shed up ;) lol

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