

Shared on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:14
Not sure if you have this in America if not it will be lost on you probably however share and share alike :)
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Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:24
I would love to have a copy of that in a pdf or doc form! That is hilarious.
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:41
Couldnt figure out how to do it for you as a PDF lol
snakemeister's picture
Submitted by snakemeister on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 07:08
You can get the form in gif format at http://www.socialscrutiny.org/weblog.php?id=P212
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 07:14
Cool well found snake :)
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 10:03
Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 15:02
Good one!

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