Building Finished!!!


Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 11:59

Just an update, we finished the building on Monday.  I will never buy another one of these again.  Actually I didn't buy this one, but I won't recommend them eighter.  It was a PAIN IN THE ASS to say the least.  I get to move the stuff into the building this weekend, YEAH!!!  At least I get my parking spot back in the garage. 

It has been hectic at work this week so I haven't been in the forums as much as I usually am.  Stuck in PSU again.  I went in to talk to a buddy of mine that I haven't talked to in a while and now he has me hooked again!!  RPG are addictive, I just have to watch how much I play it this time around. 

Well got to run and get back to work.  Everyone have a great weekend!!


I saw this on youtube and thought it was funny:



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