
Shared on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 09:29
w00t! Its friday.

Picked up a couple of games last night since My DSL connections has been so screwy. Picked up Capcom Fighting Evolution and Devil May Cry 3 for the PS2.
The PS2 got a little love last night. So now it should be happy. lol.

Capcom Fighting Evolution - Stay away from it. Its bad medicine...if you need a good capcom fighter for the PS2...stick with the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection...that at least has 3rd Strike on it.

Devil May Cry 3 is allright. Not quite what I was hoping...i guess I'll have to play it a little more to get into the groove.

While I was in EB I did something that Im sure all the Halo fans will hate me for...I swapped my pre-order for Halo 3 over to Mass Effect. Why? may you ask? Here's why.

1.) Halo 3 will not be a hard to find game. I can go to Walmart on launch night and there will be no line.
2.) Halo 3 does not excite me yet. Yes I will pick it up and play it...but Im not excited for it like I was Halo 2.
3.) $139.99 for the Legendary Edition is highway robbery. I dont care if it comes with a helmet. Its too damn much.
4.) Mass Effect looks alot cooler right now IMO....and it comes out sooner.

Meh. Halo 3 Im sure will be fun and a good game. But it just doesn't get me excited. Halo has lost its glow for me.

When I was in EB last night...I chilled out and talked with a couple of friends who work there. We all talked about gaming in general and I think we all came to a general concensus. Gaming isn't what it used to be.

Yeah we do have some amazing games out there: whether your choice is Wii, PS3, 360, or any mix of have to admit..gaming is not what it once was.

Whether thats a good or bad thing has yet to be seen.

The good:
1.) Innovation - new tech opens up new and more entertaining experiences
2.) graphics - its getting to a point now where the in-game graphics now look like the pre-rendered CG cutscenes from older games.
3.) gameplay - new ways to play games may improve enjoyment. (this kinda mixes in with the innovation part.)
4.) downloadable expansions & new content.

The bad:
1.) Tech costs - with new tech, comes higher prices. Look at how the cost has gone up between these last generations.
    Original Xbox was $299.99 when it first dropped. The Xbox 360 was $399.99 ( I dont count the core because it has no hard drive.)
    PS2 - $299.99   PS3 - $599.99 (20gb SKU no longer the cheaper one doesnt count.)
    Games for PS2 & Xbox - $49.99      Games for PS3 & Xbox 360 - $59.99 (some $69.99 if its a "collectors edition".)

2.) downloadable content cost - nothing is ever really free...but are the prices for the downloadable content really valuable? Is that 2mb download worth your $5.00? The day will come when you will HAVE to buy some form of content in order to finish a game. People say "nooo that'll never happen..." but it will.

3.) Gaming may have become too mainstream - lets face it....we all loved back in the day when the word "gamer" came with an odd stigma. I know I did.
Now every tom, dick and douchebag can call himself a gamer because he's really good at the ONLY game he plays. When theres an award show on MTV for kinda makes me wonder. Remember back in the day when ATARI was the big shit? And then the gaming industry collapsed until Nintendo came in and saved the day. What really pisses me off is seeing some little Hot Topic bitch wearing a Nintendo shirt, but doesnt even know what the fuck Nintendo is....oh yeah...they are out there.

I never wanna see that happen again. But it might if we don't voice our wants and opinions about the software that developers create.

Theres more...but damn am I tired of typing. lol.

Have a good Friday you bitches! And go see possibly the greatest animated epic ever made! AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE! COLON MOVIE FOR THEATRES!

Gatsu OUT!


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