What are they thinking?


Shared on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 14:17
There are rumors that the often-hyped 65nm processing chips will be going into XBox 360's in the late fall (with production starting in May). Coupled with the release of the Elite just recently, lots of people (myself included) are wondering "What in the world is Microsoft thinking?" Is there an easier way to alienate your fan base and customers than my issuing newer and better versions of products they just purchased?
"Hey, look mom, my baseball glove has a new version out, but it's got a magnet for catching the ball now and it fits better?"

Seriously, what are they thinking?

Here's my take:

Microsoft realized that they wanted and needed to beat the PS3 to market, so they unveiled the Core and Premium (essentially the same machine, just with different accessories). Meanwhile, the dev kits had HDMI (if I understand those correctly) and in essence were the "real" 360 they probably wanted to release all along - but why throw more money and effort when getting to stores first was the ultimate goal. Heck, most people didn't (and still don't) even have HDTVs, let alone HDMI connections.

Now that the PS3 and Wii are out and have stolen a ton of their thunder, they figure "Hey, we need to compete with the PS3 in terms of hi-def capabilities, so let's throw out the HDMI we've got". That leaves MS and the 360 where it is today.

As far as the smaller chips go, that's just part of technology/making consoles. There's always going to be advances, it's not like they could have waited 2yrs for 65nm chips to become popular then release the 360. I think that move/upgrade is more akin to the PS2 coming out with the "slim" version - it's basically just a tech refresh. The Elite, to me, is more the version they "wanted" to release all along...

I'm not totally sold on MS's ability to make game consoles, the number of defective 360s (especially mine) is definitely troublesome and I'm not in love with the fact that they keep releasing newer versions just a year after mine. But what can you do? The new Civic Si is better than mine, new pc's today are better than mine, etc. That's just the way it goes with disposable products.

Why do the products and things we love seem to keep slapping us in the face (360, DRM, HD vs BluRay battle)? Any comments or thoughts are more than welcome.


TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Fri, 05/04/2007 - 14:45
Companies do this on purpose. It's a business strategy based on the theory of "innovation diffusion". google it and be sad - early adopters always get the shaft.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 14:43
I dont think the PS3 stole any of its thunder... I mean lets face it...Sony keeps losing exclusives to the 360. The Wii stole a helluva lot more than the PS3 will ever do I think. But I agree about the faulty hardware. Microsoft is a software company..not hardware. They use the cheapest Malaysian-made parts built for $.05 by child laborers money can buy. And then dress it up and call it the 360. And if my 2nd 360 dies I will probably dedicate myself to PC gaming only. Makes me sad...but I will do it. That way I control the quality of what goes into my machine. Not a money-grubbing company like Microsoft. BUT its software library is 100% better than the competition right now. And until Sony and Nintendo start making more software to pull EVERYONE into their consoles...the 360 will stay on top. Its sad though to to call a $400 console "disposable product". But with the way they keep dying...thats about all they are. lol. Dont get me wrong. I love gaming on my 360. But its because of the software...not the hardware.
yoyodyne's picture
Submitted by yoyodyne on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 15:39
I threw the PS3 in there just because I think they did steal some of the publicity - now instead of only seeing 360 commercials, you get PS3/Wii commercials, PS3 ads on gaming sites, etc. You're right though I don't think it stole much of the 360 userbase. As for the other stuff...totally agreed. Software is great, hardware notsomuch. And a $400 console that is disposable is definitely sad. Thanks for the comment.

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