

Shared on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 16:32
My basement flooded on Sunday night.  It's finished so the carpet padding soaked up most of the water.  Nasty stuff.  Luckily I was able to catch it and didn't lose any furniture to speak of and only a few boxes of stuff.  The 360 escaped unharmed and is currently residing on the highest level of the house.  All in all about $7,500 - $8,000 in work needs done to restore it to it's former state. Thats and early estimate.  Thank god for Insurance!!  They have to cut out the dry wall up about 2 feet from the floor, the studs, all new carpet and padding.  If this happens again in a few years or whatever I'm going to have to look into something besides carpet down there. 

Anyone got ideas or pics of their finished basement  with no carpet or wood floors?  Something that may hold up in a flood?


CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 20:35
Maybe ceramic tile, or vinyl, but also consider digging french drains around the house to keep it from happening again.
CaptJB's picture
Submitted by CaptJB on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 21:51
Yup I was gonna suggest french drains. Also my friend did this finished concrete thing where these guys come in and basically stain the concrete floor with any color, etch or design you want. probably cold to bare feet but easy to keep up and won't be destroyed if your basement floods again.
BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 09:25
Two words: Sump Pump

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