An Update.


Shared on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 08:47
Its been a while since I last some things to vent about. Got some serious things I'm worried about.

1st. Saturday night Gears of War Drunkfest with the clan was a blast. Didnt get to game with everyone I wanted to, but overall it was fun. Turning Gears into a drinking game was definitely a good idea.

Thats about the only real fun that happened this past weekend. Jules wasn't feeling well and all my friends were working or busy. So I had to entertain myself the majority of the weekend.

Sunday was a sad day. I gave my mom & grandmother their gifts and it was all smiles, but later on in the day, my mom was crying about how she can't do all of the things she needs to do around the house. Her feet and legs hurt her too much to stay on her feet for too long.
She also has some kind of inflamation in her achilles tendons on both her feet....because they are swollen. And the doctor told her if she didnt take it easy and stay off her feet that they would rupture and it would take a year for them to heal.

She has to go to the doctor today to see if she can get something done. But that woman I swear is so stubborn. She would just get out of surgery and start doing laundry or something. Thats my mom.

Julia is in another dark spot it seems. Not much I can do except let her know Im there if she needs me and tell her I love her. Didn't get to see her this weekend so that kinda bummed me out. There will be another chance though.

Onto the vent.

I've mentioned before that I don't have many "friends" and by friends I mean people I live close to and see on a regular basis. Not counting the good folks on 2old2play.
Well one friend in particular (who I will refer to as Akira), has had a record of going from 0 - Douche in less than a second. He prides himself on being a sadistic asshole. He and I share alot of common hobbies. We both game, love anime, transformers....shit like that. We got to know each other more after attending several mutual friends lan parties.
And for a long time he has been a good friend. Except for this past year.

At the beginning of this year...I was on his "list"....which meant I was now considered an enemy. This was after he had a bad end with his relationship. And everyone was an enemy. So for a couple of months I didn't hear from him and whenever I did see him I got the cold shoulder. Eventually he came to me and apologized and its all seemed honky-dory since then.

but now I've noticed something else...he's being more of a douche than usual. Most of the time I could ignore it because he would be Mr. Negative about whatever was going on with people he didnt like. Now he's seemed to start dissing on things that I enjoy and putting that over-crytical eye my way. And I'm not caring for it.

Dissing Live, dissing the people I game with because "I dont really know them"....."they are just a voice on a microphone". Keep in mind....this person considers himself a hardcore gamer, yet would never go on Live to save his life...even if he had a 360 and a high-speed connection. Which is fine. Thats his choice. But his tone made it sound like I was some pathetic loser because I gamed with people I didnt know online.

I just looked at him and said "Well if some asshole I knew would quit fiddling with his dick and buy a 360, then maybe I'd have someone whose not online to game with. But oh're not getting one because you're waiting on Gears on the PC. So shut the fuck up and don't talk to me about what your not gonna do with the console your not gonna buy."

Same asshole has purchased a Wii....and has it.....still in the box (so he claims) sitting in his room un opened.

Someone has got some fucked up priorities.

God I hate people....

Anyway. I need a vacation of some sort. A weekend away from everything in my normal routine. Might just have to take a trip. Not sure yet. No ideas on where to go other than the beach. And its too warm now for my liking.

Gatsu OUT!


CaptJB's picture
Submitted by CaptJB on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 19:17
I feel your pain concerning your mom. I live 2 hrs away from mine and she is in bad shape. It's tough not being there for her when she was here for me for 19 yrs. Your buddy sounds like he has some issues he needs to work through, he's a taker and not a giver. And him saying the shit about not knowing the guy on the the other end (Live buddies) well he hasn't experienced the camaraderie of hooking up with your buddies for frag fest. Me, I'd tell him to piss off.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 08:51
You definitely sound like you need a break! Take care of yourself!
TexasTwister55's picture
Submitted by TexasTwister55 on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 08:54
All I can say is the only person you can control is yourself. Stay away from him awhile. He has some issues to deal with. You are the recipient of the anger because he considers you a friend. It may not feel like it, but that'sm why you're the whippin' boy. Been there. Release the anger and realize it has nothing to do with you or anything yo have done.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 09:03
Yeah. Just kinda getting tired of being dumped on by this guy. But if I decide to dump on him, he'll get all offended and probably never look in my general direction again. hmmmm a plan is

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