Shared on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 06:38I would not think that a common shoe string would be able to hold a 190lb 23 yr old in a hanging suicide attempt, but let me tell you - IT WILL.
****Sorry but I have to censure this one a bit*****..............
I saw it first hand today as I was the first fire/medic on scene. Myself and my two partners arrived and were directed to the basement of the residence to find victim hanging from I-beam. I've seen hanging victims before but not in this mannor - cant really get into it to much at this point (news might get involved), but never would I think a common shoe string would be able to hold that kind of weight - in the "mannor" which it did.
I guess the end result was what the victim wanted but this must not have been quick for them. There is a correct way to do it and a wrong way, if you can believe that.
This was the wrong way---------------------------------------
I guess I can buy the fact if you wanted to go out quick and painless, but I cant understand if you wanted to go out "suffering and very painful". I'm sure the victim was not thinking straight and did not know how to do it right (quickly).
One thing as Fireman - we never get to hear the end story or the why a victim may have done it. Sometimes it would be interisting to find out why people do things the way they do.
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Submitted by Devonsangel on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 08:07
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 17:10