Lady Really is Red


Shared on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 15:10
I convinced Shakes to let me take the little people to the beach yesterday. It was 102 in portland and we just have a little window AC unit.  So we drove out to the oregon coast (70 miles) My oldest has the same fair skin I have and Im very proud that he has never had anything more then rosie cheeks. Im the sunscreen queen. Unfortunatly by the time I get done with them I have one trying to drown themselves so I end up slacking on myself.
Yesterday I was good enough to have Andrew (the five year old) help me slather some on my back, face, and shoulders so I thought I was good. thought being the operative word.
My kids are still casper white (excpet the four year old. She must have gotten her skin from some hidden gene on her dads side because she runs 8 shades darker then the rest of us) from the elbows down and the knees down I am BRIGHT red. so bad that Im swelling to go with it.
My sexy watch line

My sexy legs

For those wishing to be stalkerific your welcome to check out our beach album


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 16:25
0-U-C-H !!!!!! Well, at least there are no blisters yet. I remember when i was a kid i got sunburnd so bad on my shoulders i had huge blisters for a while. Was totally gross when they popped.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 17:39
I heard that milk of magnesia help sunburn. You dab it on (it's like challk in milk) and supposedly by the next morning burn is gone. Owie. Good luck
SixTGunR's picture
Submitted by SixTGunR on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 18:39
Living in the sunshine state, I get to see lots of this. Please don't take offense regarding what I'm about to write here. :-) Mostly from Europe, there are lots of tourists that aren't used to the sun. And, in Florida, we average more than 280 days of sunshine per year. Now, with that said, some of these people are lucky to see 28.5 days of sunshine in a year. If you want to get a cheap kick at someone else's expense, hang out in a Wal-Mart close to a theme park in central Florida. Some time in the mid to late evening, sun burnt tourists will start pouring in with lobster looking skin and head straight for the aloe vera and sunblock. Again, please don't take offense, it's just one of those observations my wife and I have made since we've moved here from the Midwest three years ago. Hope you feel better soon...
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 21:03
I hate cold showers and baths........sunburns sure let you know when warm/hot water is on them. Get feelin better soon Lady!
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 16:40
Like SixTGunR, I also live in Florida. When I was a lot younger my mother used to use either Aloe plant goop (straight from the plant) or Noxzema. I remember one time I got a real good burn right before a family car trip to Orlando. It was like a five hour torture drive - father driving slow without AC to conserve gas - me and sis sweltering on the vinyl backseat - and then the odor of Noxzema. Now I put on sunscreen whenever I am going to be outside for over 15 minutes. What beach did you go to? I'm guessing Seaside. It doesn't look at all like Cannon Beach.
Azuredreams's picture
Submitted by Azuredreams on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 14:28
Yikes! I know your pain, and trust me it could be much worse! I once fell asleep on a intertube in the ocean while vacationing at ft walton beach in fla . It was my 14th birthday, and I woke up with second degree sunburn!!!! Which has the added joy of an ER trip...nasuea and projectile vomiting!!! It got black and bubbled up....took weeks to get over that. I'm glad that yours is no where near as severe!
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 14:28
You were the accident prone child in the family, weren't you lady?
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 15:19
Ouch...I'm a Scandanavian Minnesota girl. I know your pain.
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 15:19
OUCHY! The Blue Ice or Gren aloe gel works great for sun-burn. I usually do that and take a few Advil, and I am pain free for a while especially at night to sleep.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 15:22
nice shoe tan!!! sunburns suxor :(
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 15:23
yeah, except Im allergic to pretty much any Aloe vera gel. I can do straight from the plant, but the gooby stuff make me swell up like a hot air ballon. My fav is to get some towels wet and stick them in the freezer untill they are crunchy, then I apply to the burned area. Oh so nice.

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