Shared on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 12:46Anyone else out there a Civilization freak like me? I was really excited to hear about Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution coming out for the consoles at E3.
I have been a huge fan since the first Civ came out almost 20 years ago. 20 years? Wow, that's incredible. I didn't have my own computer, so I would go to my friend's house and play on his. We played it using DOS. I would stay up all night playing that game after he went to bed.
When Civ 2 came out, I had a computer but no money for games, so I would trade with another friend of mine. He bought it and I would keep it for a couple weeks and then return it to him. I think I eventually bought the game, and my wife (girlfriend at the time) got into it, and she was as addicted as me. We even got her two sisters playing the game. As neither of them had computers, they would come to my apartment to play.
Then Civ 3 came out, and I was totally blown away. The game had just kept improving with gameplay and graphics. I played the hell out of that one. I had created systems and layouts to best utilize the terrain. If after so many years I hadn't reached a certain tech or number of cities, I would start over. The AI had increased dramatically, and you needed to be on top of it if you wanted to do well. I always had this personal problem of wanting all the wonders, and it was very difficult to do, but I was able to on several occasions when playing on one of the easier settings.
Then Civ IV came out. I think the game would have been good, but my now old computer could not handle the new graphics engine in the game. This really pissed me off. I had bought Sid Meier's Pirates and it was the same graphics engine. I don't know what it was with that engine, but it did not work well on my computer. Even after lowering the graphics settings to the lowest they would go, Civ 4 would only work for a few turns, before bogging down. I never got to play a whole game on my computer. It looked great though, and the introduction of the religion aspect added a great new concept to toy with. Maybe someday I'll get it to work or buy a new computer.
OR maybe not. Now that Revolutions is coming out for the consoles, I may get my fix this way. It's been awhile since I've gotten to play a new Civ game, and I'm really excited. This should be great on multiplayer as well with voice chat and so on. With over a year to wait on this, it should be well worth it. I eagerly await the day I get a copy or the demo to try it out.
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Submitted by NCGrimbo on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 14:00