First Post!


Shared on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 22:07
I have always hated it when people sit in forums and waste my bandwith while posting First! at each new thread started. If I ever run a discussion board I will make sure to ban the people who do that.

That being said, welcome to my blog! I used to have a blog at 1up, but after they reorganized the boards a few months ago everyone left that I liked to blog visit and talk to, so I went in search of a new place. 2old2play looks like its just my style. I hate reading thru all the "timmy" posts that most boards have. My only dislike so far about this board is the total ps3 disintrest. I figure that will eventuall change when the ps3 becomes world dominate again in another year :)

I thought I would make this first post a little bit about myself... I have been playing games from the time I was in preschool and learned about them. I remember some rich people at my church had this triangle console you could play. It had a racing game, a shooter, and a centipede type game. It was dumb. A few months later I saw my first Atari which was almost as cool as seeing my first arcade machine

Anyway I skipped the whole nes thing and went straight into c64/amiga. After college it was all pc games, a brief trip into 3do insanity, and then playstation consoles. Last summer, in anticipation of ps3, I sold my pc box off. That made me sad as I had to give up my 60 pally in wow. I would also attend local lan parties almost monthly to play games like UT & Ghost Recon. I finally gave it up because I was sick of spending $1500+ every other year on a good enough pc. I bought a few macs for the house and there has been pc goodness here eversince. My only console/gaming machine now is the ps3.

I was disappointed with the online community...specifically there is no community right now. I think HOME is going to really change this up and make the ps3 really shine, but I want to meet some cool people and play right now!!! I played thru and beat RFOM and Motorstorm. I have won about 25% of my online races, but I have only played like 25 games online, as since most people online don't use there dumb headsets, like what is the point of being there? The AI is plenty smart, But I would much rather talk smack and play with some cool people online then play the suicidal AI who cheats. At least it looks good while it robs me of wins in the last turn.

Anyway I am pumped about the new multiplayer games coming out this spring/summer for the ps3 and want to meet up with some people so I can be ready to dominate. RFOM was awesome, but no one ever played as a team so I quickly lost interest. Currently I am playing motorstorm nonstop since it came out. Outside of GT4 it is the best driving game on any system....and it's first gen!  I am also about 25 hours into FFXII.

I am finding that the game machine I play the most now is PSP. It is so handy, it goes into my cargo pants pocket. I can listen to podcasts, surf, show people pictures, and play games. I am about half way thru Syphon Filter, almost thru Loco-Roco, and still the first rank in Monster Hunter Freedom.

So yes...I am getting old. Somehow I ended up driving a saab, owning a mac, owning cats, married, and only have 1 console. That is so bizarre now that I write that down. Warhawk comes out this week and I hope to pick that up next week sometime. I also am planning on buying Lair tomorrow. I hope some great co-op games get released, and I hope to be playing them with you all.... Anyway that's a good enough intro. I should save this .... for something. Was like writing a school paper or something....


MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 22:18
FIRST!!!! ;) I think that the PS3 disinterest isn't on purpose. I think that it's mainly because this community came together originally because of the xbox live feature and having the interaction between people. I think that if the PS3 can really pop with its games and features, you'll see interest pick up. MJ
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 23:31
Hey buddy, I was going to say the site is Xbox-centric because it was founded by a Halo2 clan, but MJ beat me to it. Welcome to the site. Find some PS3 fuckers and bring them on over.
Mediaman's picture
Submitted by Mediaman on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 23:36
Well hopefully Warhawk will help, and once the ps3 gets some good online stuff I think it will start taking off more. I know the ps3 isn't hated here (at least from what I have read), and that it is just a complete lack of anything to play to rally anyone around the platform yet.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 06:33
Welcome to the community, no matter what console you choose!
Captiosus's picture
Submitted by Captiosus on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 07:34
I think the PS3 is facing a generalized apathy, not just from members of this site, but in general. Only one of my local friends owns a PS3, and if I even mention the PS3 to any of my other local friends (all of whom own PS2s), I get a range of responses from either "Why would I want that POS" to just a shrug. But I can say that none of us actually HATE the PS3. Some of us may nitpick it (*whistles innocently*), but none of us hate it. Most of us realize that competition is good for the market as a whole and that if Microsoft could exist solo in the gaming world, without Sony and Nintendo to keep them in check, Microsoft would probably be just as destructive and monopolistic as they have been in the Operating System market.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 07:51
Like your blog! I had considered the PS3 but the whole Blu-ray/HD DVD controversy made me wait. I got caught up in the Beta/VHS debacle and didn't want to go through that again. I have a PS2 so you can't say I hate PS. In the meantime, I love my 360. Welcome to the best site ever!
supergg2k's picture
Submitted by supergg2k on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 08:05
Welcome aboard! You are the first person I "know" who has a PS3. I'm sure you'll find fun and friends here. Great first post.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Thu, 08/30/2007 - 10:13
Welcome!!! Hopefully Home does something is the near future. XBL needs some competittion.. :)

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