Solving lifes problems


Shared on Sat, 09/01/2007 - 13:18

Ok, So I read alot of blogs and play games with alot of people and have a job where I get to interact with alot of different people on a daily basis.

I all I hear is constant complaining, whine about this and that blah blah. Now I understand complaining in general, hell I do my fair share, It makes you feel better to get something off your chest or just to let it out most people just want to be understood, I get it.
Most times this is just worse than it has to be. So I am gonna complain about complaining and why it is so prevalent in society today.

Rules, rules and guidelines and warnings and politically correct bullshit that seems to have taken over everything and distracts from logically thinking and rational thought, everyone’s scared to say something or do something that may be perceived unacceptable or intolerable by someone else, why? Back in the day when you said or did something wrong it was dealt with there on the spot by the offended person. Call someone a name you got called out or decked and you learned your lesson and became a better person for it. Now that person whines goes to someone "in charge" makes a big deal about it and you loose your job or whatever.

I’ll give a perfect example from my own life. When I was 10 or so a friend of mine and I were plying on tracks on a overpass of a busy road, he started chucking rocks on to the road, hit someone’s car and broke a window. The guy whose window we broke was about 25 or so, he pulled his car over, ran up on the tracks, found us and proceeded to scold us and he beat the shit out of us(not real bad), this was a 25 year old man beating 2 10 year olds!!! OMG! What a jerk, how outrageous, that man was out of control, Right! Wrong. We learned a valuable lesson that day. We learned we were responsible for our actions and we would have to suffer the consequences and NO ONE was to blame but us and we became better people for it, and it helped us to become the adults we are today. I can list several such examples in my life.

I sometimes wonder what would happen today in that same scenario. I imagine the police could of been called ,we would have gotten legal issues and possibly gone to juvenile hall, our parents would have been labeled irresponsible and faced criminal charges themselves, that could of led us down a road that could of drastically changed our life’s and I doubt I would be here right now typing this now. You can spin it anyway you want, but that man smacking us around was the best thing that could of happened , I still feel that way and I didn’t even throw the damn rock!

Where are we headed with this thought process where it’s always someone else’s fault and WE are not responsible for our own actions and fear of litigation overwhelms our rationality?!!!

That’s why a ALL Disagreements, problems be it legal, personal, job related or what ever should be settled in MORTAL KOMBAT! If you knew your jaw could get jacked for running your mouth you might think twice about Talking shit ,lying or being unethical or whatever.


Xevias's picture
Submitted by Xevias on Sat, 09/01/2007 - 18:48
Nice. I'm either going to stop complaining or try to make mine more funny - haven't decided which yet.

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