Gameznflix website updated and CEO comments


Shared on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 14:34
I for one really, really want the model of an online DVD and game rental combination to work.  Gameznflix is pretty much the only one left out there.  I am a member, have some free months due to my complaints about not receiving items, and they told me about all the positive changes happening.  They just re-launched the website, but until they fix the fulfillment issue, I don't think it is going to gain traction.  They have great prices, but if you never get anything, then it's throwing money away.

Anyway, so I read up on their comments today from their CEO.  Found a couple of points interesting:
1.  He mentions hiring an advertising firm to develop a "comprehensive marketing program for 2007" and how they came up with three distinct target demographics that are an ideal for their service.  He also mentions the focus groups in major cities to find out what they like and dislike.  Then, the results from Moroch Advertising:  "The agency also generated several versions of a new "look and feel" for GameZnFlix, including company colors, logos and website designs. Moroch was prepared to generate a large-scale advertising campaign and recommend media buys throughout TV, print, and online media. Due to the high cost of pursuing such a campaign, and with the return on that investment uncertain, GameZnFlix chose instead to maximize its investment in Moroch's services in more immediate and cost-effective ways by making strategic changes to its core service and marketing efforts."
2.  Core Service - Basically, what he says here is that trying to be a one-stop shop for movies and games was too costly and now they are going to focus more on the gamer while still offer DVDs that are current, gamer-oriented movies.  Wonder what they consider a gamer-oriented movie to be?

Anyway, it goes on and on to talk about a new "purchasing algorithim", working with the USPS, taking mandatory salary reductions, eliminating some positions, etc. as they are determined to become profitable quickly.

I mean, hello?!?!  Did they really need to blow all that money on the advertising agency to come up with that?  I would have to think 75% of the customer service calls centered on fulfilling rental requests.  And the whole bit about them being a one-stop shop trying to keep in stock all the movies and games - I don't know if you have ever looked at the movies available, but there are some really weird, old, and just bizarre titles out there.  Why not simply focus on WHAT"S POPULAR and then supplement with other categories?

If they can keep the prices the same and actually just fulfill the game requests, then it's still worth it for games alone.  Time will tell, but they will be losing me as a customer once my credit is up if they can't manage to ship 1 of my titles in my queue....


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 16:43
I dropped them as well. Mostly because for the next 4 months, i don't have time to play rentals anyway. They were decent for older gamescore boosting titles for 9 bucks a month. But if i don't have time to play them, it's still a waste of money.
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 14:42
Amen...I don't do Gamefly or those others but we got Blockbuster which is a joke when you want a new HOT realease video or game. Agreed, stock more of the popular stuff......Duh!
SUPimp's picture
Submitted by SUPimp on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 14:57
I switched from gamefly to games-n-flix and have written several letters to them complaining about not receiving things. It sucks that there is not a good service that can do both movies and games.
kade47's picture
Submitted by kade47 on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 15:49
Keeping popular things in and then filling out the rest is a good idea. I think that's how Netflix does it. If so many people request a certain obscure movie they will stock it. But the bread and butter is already there with the new releases and whatnot.

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