2 drunks Stumbles Each other ....


Shared on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 11:36

here it is ,

A drunk ,but i mean fuking drunk wasted as hell ,hes going back home ,on his way back he stumbles with another drunk fucker that is more wasted than he is ...

(they start to talk)

hello my friend ,¿crazy night ah ?(the first drunk says)

yah!hic! i feel like keep on going says...

i invite you to my house ,to keep this party going ,says the fisrt drunk ....

where you live ?? ask the drunk who was invited .....

right here in this house next to me ...

no way says the other drunk , i live here!!!

and the other drunk got very pisss off ,saying what tha fuck i live in this house for more than 30 years ,not 1 not2 but 30 fucking yearss he says ....

they start to fucking argue and they even going to kick the shiittt out of each other, When they decide to knock at the door to see who is right about whos home it is ...

after they knock on the door , a lady very piss off comes out very angry and when she look at bouth of them she says :

!!"&"·;;"$$%.. beautiful scene we got here,father and son fucking drunk ;ah very nice ...verynice ....u bouth fucking explain shittt tomorrow fuckers ....



RoyalMartinez's picture
Submitted by RoyalMartinez on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 13:35
here is my joke ,rated please ., if your going to post a thumbs down ,do it, but u explain why ,ok putos

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