On being American, part 3


Shared on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 08:42

I truly wanted to be done with the politically themed blogs yesterday, but it seems like what I had to say resonated with a few folks, so here's one more thing that doesn't sit right with me: the electorial process (especially, but not limited to the run for president).

Since when did the presidential campaigning process turn into the NHL season?  It just doesn't end.  The next presidential election doesn't happen until November 2008 -- 14 months from now -- and we've already been having debates now for the last few months.  "So tell me, senator so-and-so, did I elect you to do represent my needs and concerns or did I elect you to spend two years running around the country campaigning for your next job?"

Imagine hiring someone for a job and before you know it, they're using all of your company's resources to look for another job elsewhere -- rather than doing what you paid them to do in the first place.

Here's my position -- if you are an incumbent or a current elected official, I really don't need to hear your promises of what you're going to do for me and this country (should you be elected) for the 18-24 months before an election.  Do your job, publish your voting record and I'll let your past performance speak for itself.

Tomorrow, I'll throw a couple Dr. Seuss inspired drawings up.  I promise.


FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ's picture
Submitted by FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:03
Nice work English
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:10
I think Senators make poor Presidents. They don't know how to govern. Seems like in the past 30 years, some of our better Presidents (Reagan and Clinton) were Governors before they were Presidents.
RyanFromVegas's picture
Submitted by RyanFromVegas on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:42
@ soup I agree. There is a large difference between sitting in a comitte discussing and being the guy saying this is what we're going to do. @ Darth And the only thing keeping bush out of it is the 2 term rule. Imagine all the time sitting presidents waste on re-election. Theres a growing sentiment out there for changing the presidents term to a single 6 year term with no re-elections..Enough time to get over being a noob and get some serious work in without the distraction of campaigning again. I for one think there is some merit to the idea and would like to see it debated.
Submitted by RIGHT_WINGAMER on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 10:09
Ryan, Hmm I had no idea that they were even possible thinking this. It does have merit. It won't be put on the table til Bush is out cause you think the left hates him now....god imagine if they have a fear he will be in for longer.....HAHA
English_C6H6's picture
Submitted by English_C6H6 on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 08:56
Ah you're assuming that the average American voter has the brains or motivation to look at a voting record and make a descision for themselves. I used to believe that Sheeple would do that too. Now I think that most moron don't get past (a) the letter after the persons name, (b) the ONE issue they MUST vote on (c) who the screaming idiot on the TV or radio tells who them how to vote.

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