I'm the king...


Shared on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:41
…of friendly fire. 

Taking a break from the online FPSs with BioShock was such a nice thing.  I didn’t have to worry about who I was shooting at.  However, after tucking a few rounds of COD4 Beta under the belt, and with TF2 coming up in the very near future, I got to thinking on the subject again.  I don’t know how those who truly excel at these games do it – how do you both tell who you’re shooting at, and then get the kill?  For me, it’s one or the other, but not both.  I can either clearly identify my target, but then die in the spray of bullets that somehow come before I manage to squeeze the trigger.  Or I just see something moving, and pray it’s not a friendly. 

I know the character models are supposed to make it easy to tell, and in some games it does. TF2 looks to be pretty obvious with the Red vs. Blue, but realistic FPSs ala COD4 … it’s just hard at a distance. Anyone care to lend some advice for this mediocre play who wishes for more? 

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Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:44
usually they put your team mates name or an icon over their head to let you know they are friendly....COD4 doesn't do this I take it?
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:52
COD4 shows the name over friendlies at any distance. If you don't see the name, then shoot! You sometimes see names of the enemies, but it's only up close, and it's in red letters not green, so again, you see red, you shoot! :)
mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:54
In cod4 the red crosshair, the red name tag (in the beta you can't team kill). You know you killed something when the EXP yellow text pops up in your sights (if not, your enemy is in the last stand pose, shoot again). there's also the uniforms. Good guys wear cammo, OpFor and Spetznaz wear darker stuff. spez' wear berets or masks and Opfor rags. sniper Ghillies to me look the same, OpFor and Spez look a bit darker.
BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:56
Guess its time for that eye exam... :)
BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 09:59
There isn't any friendly fire in the beta (except for grenades causing the slowdown of team members), so shoot away. The only problem with taking this approach is that you will identify yourself on the enemy's UAV. However, it doesn't seem that deaths affect your score, only kills, so I have started just running in guns blazing.
JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 10:09
Play with 2o2p and communicate tactics with your team. If it's a Timmie who is just going to run into the battlefield, he deserves to get shot!
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 10:23
Radar... Always be checking it.
mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 10:49
If you see red jets of choppers on the radar get inside and don't get near windows unless you plan to RPG that chopper.

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