Shared on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 07:35Pretty morbid topic for a Friday blog, so I'll apologize for that right off the bat. However, it's true and something I guess I just need to talk about and get right in my head so I can move on. I tend to dwell even though I know it's not healthy to do, so blogging about it might be good therapy for me. Today I had to put a good friend to rest. One that had been there for me and with me for some really great times. Many a great night spent together, with more than a few beers in my home theater room, I will remember them fondly. But as the saying goes, all good things come to an end, even if we wish it was otherwise. So, today...
...I packaged up and shipped out my copy of Shadowrun.
Ok, so maybe that was a bit dramatic, but I do have to admit it was hard to sell this particular title. While I know a lot of people feel the game was mediocre at best, it brought some fresh life into a failing genre - the FPS - to me. See, the thing is, I'm a mediocre FPS player on my best day. I just don't have the lightning quick reflexes to identify, target, and then shoot an opponent in a game. This isn't anything new either. Dating back to Doom, the first Unreal Tournament, Tribes ... you name it ... if it was a shooter, I was usually on the short end of the stick. However, some games, like the original Team Fortress and then Shadowrun, rewarded teamwork to the point where I could contribute to that team, and do pretty well all things considering. Because of that fact, I really enjoyed Shadowrun. A lot. I put more than enough time into the game to bring my entertainment costs of it to less than a dollar an hour - my breakeven point. If I drive down the price of my hourly fun beyond that point, I'm satisfied it was a good purchase, and have no remorse. If I buy a game for $60, but only play it for 10 hours total...I feel ripped off, or get pissed at myself, or both.
Either way...Shadowrun, you'll be missed. But the lack of any potential DLC, now that FASA Studios has closed, and the upcoming release of Team Fortress 2 did you in. I just couldn't justify keeping the copy I had, when I found a buyer offering a few bucks less than retail for it. At least I'll take solace knowing that those funds will go to its successor, the Orange Box, in just a few short weeks.
- BalekFekete's blog
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Submitted by Devonsangel on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 07:40
Submitted by JollyRoger on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 07:47
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 08:07
Submitted by dos on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 08:34
Submitted by wilderz on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 08:47
Submitted by Captiosus on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 11:32
Submitted by NotStyro on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 10:09