Team Fortress 2 will give Shadowrun a 'run' for its multiplayer money...


Shared on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 16:12

After reading this article on EuroGamer about TF2, I think that Shadowrun's days are counted.

TF2 seems to bring to the table the tactical, fast-paced, team-oriented gameplay that made Shadownrun so appealing to many FPS players tired of the run-and-gun 'strategy'. Don't get me wrong, I really like Shadownrun, but many of us were hoping for more maps and new 'races' before FASA went under recently. With 9 player classes, TF2 addresses the need for more 'races' by design and has already promised new maps in the form of DLC.

Finally, Valve will likely succeed where FASA got dinged in review ratings for lacking a solid story line: with Half-Life 2 and its two additional Episodes bundled in the 'Orange Box', Valve doesn't have to be concerned that TF2 is a multi-player experience only.

In October, It will be interesting to see how long it takes to search for and find open 'Shadowrun' matches ;-)




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