NOS Energy Drink


Shared on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 11:14
I just picked up a bottle of NOS Energy Drink and I am impressed. To me most energy drinks taste like crap - a combination of cough syrup and tonic water. NOS tastes a lot like Fresca, a crisp grapefruit flavor. If you are looking for an energy drink, I recommend giving NOS a try.


bear96's picture
Submitted by bear96 on Tue, 10/23/2007 - 14:05
Tried this one yesterday - it was pretty good. Reminded me a little bit of Full Throttle Fury. I'll be watching to see if they make a NOS sugar-free. Most sugar-free ones taste like liquid body odor!
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 11:16
Will do the next time i need a pick me up thanks.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 11:24
But I can't stand Fresca!

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