Shared on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 10:15What to do when you are home alone? I know I mention the kids a lot, but I really do miss them. I have not been home alone many times in my entire life, coming from a large family, then I had kids, then my kids had kids, and so forth. So, now my nest is empty! Ack! Hubby is going out tonight (yeh, really!) so I will be really, really home alone, for a couple hours, anyways. Hmmm, what to do? Not much. I'll eat what I want to eat for supper! I'll prolly do some gaming.... Haven't got my H3 yet. What else? Dunno....
Daughter and son-in-law bought a new house. Well, it's not really new, but it is for them. Now, she calls me this morning to tell me she is having separation anxiety for the old house. Wants to know if she made a mistake. Wants support in her decision. Ohhh, I am very good at that! So I ooo'd and ahhhh'd about the house. Told her she did the right thing. Offered to help her move. And all that stuff. She'll survive. She is her mother's daughter, and I know exactly what she is going thru. If i didn't know better, I would say she was a clone instead of a daughter. We are sooooo alike. But she doesn't look anything like me, so I guess she is not a clone. She is the mother of my grandbabies. She has done an excellent job with them. Oh yeh, she is having the boohoos about Adtler starting school, too. We all have to grow up sometime! It is just that sending that little itsy bitsy guy off on that great big bus every day seems scarey. I can relate. enuf for today!
- pearly_54's blog
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