Kids say the darndest things, Part Deux...


Shared on Sat, 10/13/2007 - 11:32

Last night we ordered a pizza stayed in a watched a flick with the kids.  We decided to watch E.T.  My son, who will be three the end of the month, was totally engrossed.  We kept explaining to him that E.T. was an alien (like the kind from Toy Story, or similar anyways).  Whenever E.T. disappeared off screen he would say "Where's IT?".  Despite our best efforts he just wouldn't say E.T.  Finally my husband starts a conversation, kinda went like this:

Father:  Can you say 'E'?

Son:  'E'

Father:  Can you say 'T'?

Son: 'T'

Father:  Good, now say E.T.

Son:  IT

My hubby tried this same conversation a few more times.  Finally the last try went like this:

Father:  Can you say 'E'?

Son:  'E'

Father:  Can you say 'T'?

Son: 'T'

Father:  Great!!  Now, say E.T.

Son:  Iced Tea.

So now E.T. will forever be Ice-T to us. 


ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Sat, 10/13/2007 - 11:37
Our family vocabulary has forever been changed by our nephews and children. It's much more fun the way they say things.
Spidey's picture
Submitted by Spidey on Sat, 10/13/2007 - 11:52
At our house, Lunch is Munch, Water is LaLa, the list goes on, I love it.
naveeda's picture
Submitted by naveeda on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 22:59
hehe, good one, in our house the door has been replaced with rectanu (rectangle) i'm having a hard time explaining why its a door not a rectangle, but hey its a rectangle too, but of a door type, its a rectangle type door, forget it, can you please open the rectanu :)

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