Every Everyday Shooter


Shared on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 10:05
So after my wife telling me that she thought EDS was to hard to play; she ends up showing up at the church I work with bloodshot eyes.

Me: Have you been crying?
Wife: No...
Me: What's wrong? Why are you so sad?
Wife: ummmmm......
Me: Have you been playing video games?
Wife: ummmmm....
Me: Well you at least used my account so I could get more unlock points right?
Wife: ummmmm.....

Man!!! What a rip! I had to go to work while she played my games, and I didn't even get any credit for it! On the plus side, I saw how she played, and it gave me lots of ideas. I didn't know you could shot the chains to make them bigger. She also doesn't shoot very much. She just does avoidance and make extra large chains. She actually does it really well.

Hopefully EDS 2 will have some multiplayer...that would be fun :)


CaptJB's picture
Submitted by CaptJB on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 10:43
It's nice when the misses places too eh. What is EDS anyway?
Mediaman's picture
Submitted by Mediaman on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 11:42
Every Day Shooter ... its like ps3 geometery wars...

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