orange box


Shared on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 19:50
So how is the orange box? Is it worth the money? I heard the portal game is short but fun. The multiplayer game was fun but not that fun.I have played half life 1&2 but don't know if the half life game here is differnt. Please let me know if it  is worth the money.


BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 22:54
If you haven't played Half Life 2 (like me) it is well worth the money. However, even if you have, I understand that episode 2 is new. Portal is fun, but can be frustrating because some of the things require precise timing. Team Fortress 2 is a blast. It takes a few matches to learn the maps and the classes, but then it is a lot of fun. It forces teamwork which is unusual in most console MPs. If you have played HL2, I would suggest renting it to see if the add-ons are enough to justify your money.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 22:58
If you have played HL2 and Ep1 and 2 on the computer, you've played the same games as what's in the orange box for 360. Team fortress 2 has 6 maps and 3 different game types. it makes you pay a specific game type on specific maps. Some are attack and defend, some are capture and some are territory. You can't pick which game you play on each map. So it's pretty limited. Portal is about a 3 hour play throu if you just want to play it. If you want to get gold finishes on each level, that'll keep you going for longer and really screw your head up. I'd say give it a rent for the two games you haven't already played.

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