Gonna get egged!!


Shared on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 09:11
So I already know what I am about to say is going to cause a huge uproar, but I have to say it anyway!!

I want to apologize for not playing with anyone as of late, I have a very good reason, I am not in LOVE with Halo 3 like the rest of the people on my friends list. Sure it is okay to pop in every once in a while and kill a few people.......BUT.......It is not my game, I don't suck at it I just don't like the atmosphere that comes along with the game. Halo make people even the calmest and nicest of people become filled with rage and hate, what is it about this game? I have to wonder if Bungie put some kind of subliminal messages in the game like.......HATE EVERYONE or KILL KILL KILL or IF YOU DON'T WIN YOU SUCK ASS!! Seriously, I don't get it....I have been called some of the most horrid names......but only while playing Halo. I have had team mates totally blow up at me while playing Halo, ummmmm it is just a freaking game people come on!

So, to pass the time until the Halo craze dies down I have been playing other games like PSU or Blue Dragon by myself or with the hubby (Dr Whistler) except on Mondays when everyone decides to pry themselves away from Halo to play some GOW!!


FatalPoison's picture
Submitted by FatalPoison on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:55
@ BrodysDad -- OMG I was rolling on the floor after reading that.....that was great.....I'll make sure and tell him LMAO!!
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 14:47
Grab a can of sunshine! Get in the game!
DrWhistler's picture
Submitted by DrWhistler on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 16:41
I prefer to grab a can of Whoopass!!!
twistedcaboose's picture
Submitted by twistedcaboose on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 09:13
Sounds like you are playing with the wrong teammates. I can't say it's just Halo where I've been called every name in the book. I got it in COD and Gears too. Maybe not as much but still got it.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 09:28
Eh...It's okay to not like Halo...Every game has its crazies. I think with the larger population on Halo it just seems like there's more of them... But there's a few people I just don't play with anymore as well and then it's fun
Ewok_Poacher's picture
Submitted by Ewok_Poacher on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 09:33
I think I know the answer. It has to do with the game play and the competitive nature that it creates. You'll notice that there are few if any conversations in the Gears, Tom Clancy forums about the legitimacy of button combos or other game exploits. It's "Roadie running, weapon sliding is cheating just dont' do it in 2o2play rooms", fine. That and in gears at least you have a cooling off period after you get splattered and there is usually a funny graphic that goes along with it.
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 09:37
I understand where you are coming from Fatal. I myself am currently addicted to H3, to the point where I need to tear myself away more, particularly on Monday nights. I don't consider myself a "hot head" when it comes to gaming, but can testify that I my cursing rate goes up 1000% when playing H3 over GOW or COD3. I try to keep such shenanigens to the lone wolf arenas and away from my clanmates. But I even notice that certain people I usually game with won't invite me to H3 rooms cause I am not up to their level or skill standards. Guess it is just the nature of this game as Ewok points out. I can usually still find some cool AOW folks to play with, even in H3. Some, I do avoid though :(
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 09:44
Yeah Halo3 isn't my fav game out there either (enjoy Team Fortress 2 and shadowrun more)! My main gripe with Halo3 is that so many people seem to only have the ability to play Slayer. So you get into objective based games (CTF, bomb, Territories) and your teammates go around like they are still playing Slayer - it's like they still need to get the most kills or something, and it doesn't matter if the enemy has your flag.
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 09:55
Anyone get that upset about a game needs to shut the 360 off and go outside. You are not the one with any problem.
BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:00
I am not a fan of H3 MP either. I throughly enjoyed the SP, especially co-op with clanmates, but the MP does seem to bring out the worst in people (including me). I don't have the same issues with TF2 or Gears (at least, not as bad in Gears LOL). I look forward to H3 become more of a niche game in AoW because there are a lot of people (yourself and Whistler definitely included) that I miss gaming with. Hopefully, COD4 will give a lot of us opportunities to get "reacquainted."
ninja_dawg's picture
Submitted by ninja_dawg on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:08
Yeah I can't roll with Halo 3 either. You're not alone.
FatalPoison's picture
Submitted by FatalPoison on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:27
@ Waterborn -- I hear ya, I turn into this evil fould mouth B****. So I don't play it, I think I get frustrated with myself though mostly!!
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:28
LOL its ok fatal... cod4 comes out in a week dear we'll be FINE ... :) Your ScentsYrific
FatalPoison's picture
Submitted by FatalPoison on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:28
@ BrodysDad -- We are still debating on COD 4 I liked it but Whistler wasn't to impressed.....we will more than likely get it though......meet cha on the battlefield!!
BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:43
You tell Whistler that if he doesn't like COD4, he can #$%f ^#h*$)# l@)&ee@ ^g#*a&$ &t*()$*)_. Sorry, just got finished playing some H3 MP. LMAO.

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