Weekly recap


Shared on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 23:39
from the 360voice.com blog

Watch closely because here comes the recap... if you aren't paying attention, you might miss it: If your Xbox is depressed, try playing seven days in a row like NotStyro did last week. It has a way of making you a bit giddy... Our gamerscore jumped 85 points which was nice. Getting 11 achievements has that effect. Also, by my expert calculations, NotStyro's favorite game last week was The Orange Box. He played it on 7 of the days.

So that's it for now. It was a good week. On to the next one.

Got stuck on level 15 or 16 of Portal (helluva exit), so I tried TF2. As my experience with the different character types increased, so did my performance. Good thing too, because I was sucking mud and doing friendly fire in the beginning (it helps to know your side). Then the game froze-up on me so I called it a night.

Is anyone else having that game freezing problem with The Orange Box games? Damn frustrating. I'll have to cut a broom-stick to use as a 'remote' to power-cycle the 360 when the games hang. Either that or continue to exercise/stress my back and abs getting up all the time.

Getting close to COD4 release. The fun just keeps coming..



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