Guitar Hero - I don't get it


Shared on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 14:28

Prior to the release of GH III, I had never played any of the Guitar Hero games.  I was always curious whether this would be something that I would enjoy, but I wasn't real sure.  I knew that the people that liked these games swore by them.  I inquired of a few clanmates regarding whether I would enjoy this title enough to drop $100 on it since I am not really into music, have little to no rhythm, and, due to my lack of rhythm, generally don't like rhythm games.  Overwhelmingly, the answer was that these games are tremendously fun, that GH will make me like rhythm based games, and that I will not regret the purchase.  So, I ran out and bought a copy with the cool Les Paul guitar on release day.  I rushed home and played for a couple of hours.  I can't say that I had a lot of fun playing the game, but it did give me a bit of vertigo.  After playing for a couple of hours, anything that I looked at would move slightly downward in my vision (like the notes move down the fretboard in the game).  I don't get motion sick playing video games, but this game did disorient me for a while.  Regardless, I decided to give it another try the next day and was able to get through the campaign on easy.  However, I again had that movement in my vision when I quit playing and, again, I didn't really enjoy it.  It just seemed like a lot of work without any real payoff (not that other games that I play give me a lot of "payoff," but they are actually fun to play).  I really couldn't get the motivation to play again for about a week, but I didn't want to have to admit that I just threw $100 down the tubes.  When I did play again, I tried to bump up to medium, thinking that it may be more fun if more difficult.  I quickly realized that I was going to have to practice to be able to play any of the songs on medium.  It absolutely sucked to have a game repeatedly tell me that I suck so badly that it won't even let me play anymore.  That was the last time that I played this game.  I do not want to have to practice to play a game.  WTF?  I play games to have fun.

Well, I guess some things work out by not working out.  Today, a co-worker of mine asked if I knew where he could find a copy of GHIII with the guitar because he wanted to get that for his son for Christmas but couldn't find it.  I quickly told him that I can get him a very slightly used one for a discount price. 


cs7499alco's picture
Submitted by cs7499alco on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 14:34
Sorry, to here you did not like it, but at least you did not waste the 100 dollars.
Smallwoody's picture
Submitted by Smallwoody on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 16:10
I found the GHII had a lot better music than GHIII... and I had a ton more fun with it. might try renting GHII before you offload the guitar.
ForensicsPhreak's picture
Submitted by ForensicsPhreak on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 09:35
right there with you buddy. at the AOW LAN, YIG and Pearl were tearing it up, then they handed it to me just so I can endure the self-discovery that I have the rhythm and timing of a retarded monkey... wearing mittens. I quickly handed it back and said "well, nothing blows up in this one, sooooo no thanks!"

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