

Shared on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 23:37
I wear leather, silk, wool, and even fur every once in a while, does this make me a bad person? I eat meat even veal, does this make me a bad person? I don't think so. Some people live their whole lives in a vegan way. I can't and I don't see how anyone can. I would drive a car with worse gas mileage if I could afford one. There are people who burn down Hummer dealers! Some of these things people do for animals and the environment, they think it's their right to do these things! People need a wake up call on what their rights really are. People raise their kids to think any thing they want to do is their right, well they are wrong. The USA gives people more than just human rights but people abuse this every day. For those of you who have traveled abroad you know that there is no police brutality in Germany, that women walk behind the men in the middle east, and in communist country's you don't protest anything. You have people on the TV telling me about starving kids in Africa, what they don't tell you is when you send them food warlords take and would rather let it rot then give it away to their hungry. I guess what I'm saying is people get attention for things that are trivial, why don't homeless veterans get attention? Why do people spend millions of dollars to keep a animal from being slaughtered but not a fucking dime on kids who wont have a present for this Christmas! Priority's in this country are fucked to say the least. Give me porn, meat, suede, cigarettes, gas guzzleing vehicles, and some alcohol! If you don't like it become an export and move out of this country!!!


JohnnyBoyFloyd's picture
Submitted by JohnnyBoyFloyd on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 02:50
Team America, FUCK YEAH!! :D
kewljoe's picture
Submitted by kewljoe on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 06:46
100% true about the veterans, its sad that this country takes such pride in its military strengths, but then it turns a blind eye to the outcome of war. Its bad to wage war its worse to abandon those that gave their all in that war.
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 08:47
I don't agree with you on the gas guzzling vehicles part....there is a limit to how much our environment can sustain us...and that is becoming quite evident seeing as though America doesn't have it's own oil and we are subject to the rise and fall of global oil prices. As far as the rest of it, yeah I agree...what also annoys the fuck out of me is the idea that some of these people have (Peta), that an animals life is worth more than human life. You don't hear most of them say that abortion is wrong, you don't have Pamela Anderson dressing up as a fetus getting her body vacuumed and cut up into little pieces to show the horror of murdering a child....but she will go to great lengths to show that killing an animal is the epitome of evilness. Need to get priorities straight people!
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 08:52
The first part of your blog I understand. Basically your saying two wrongs don't make a right and as a country we need to get our priorities right. However the last sentence negates what you just laid out in the first paragraph. You were complaining about people who complain about raising their kids to think any thing they want to do is right and then in the last sentence you said it doesn't matter if what I want to do is right or wrong (even if it hurts you or someone else) if you don't like it leave my country. In other words the first part of the blog you were protesting methods which is fine, the second you were protesting opinions which earlier you rightly pointed out is one of the things that makes our country great. If I don't like gas-guzzeling vehicles or meat I can make an appeal or carry a sign or whatever. I certainly don't have the right to damage or destroy property that isn't mine, or invade your privacy. You don't have to listen to it, but I still have the right to make it. Personally I think if people would mind their own business and keep their noses out of others, the world would be a much more peaceful place. Anyhow nice to meet you jackel, game on!

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