11/19/07 Water Tower Fire (late entry)


Shared on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 16:49

This is a late entry, from 11/19/07, 4 days before the last post I had (Thanksgiving Day Fire), but we just got the pictures back and it was very cool.

On Monday 11/19/07, I had one of the most interisting fires EVER. I've been a fireman for apporx. 14 yrs and have only read about 1-2 other fires like this one.

We had a fire inside a 125+ ft  -  Water Tower.

Contractors were spot welding and sandblasting the inner tank for repairs and started a small fire with some rags and towels they were using for cleanup. Everybody got down quickly when the fire got out of control - it spread to the inner lining and spray linner they use for insulation. When we arrived it looked a lot worse that it really was. Heavy black smoke was coming out of the top and we really did not have anyway to get up there - our ladder truck is only 100 ft. So the only way to get up there was to climb a ladder (no cage or protection) 125+ ft straight up.......

Well to make along story short, we made it easy as possible and just had to turn on the tank pump and fill the inner tank. It took like 1 hr. but did put out the fire without risk to anybody. The contractors will be cited by the state inspectors for other job safety violations. The lift they were using was cited and pulled off site due to it being weight restricted and not safe - we could not use it for fighting the fire.  

I attached some pictures below - I was one of the coolest runs I have ever been on. One of the pictures, I'm standing with my air pack on, looking at the tower in the back ground with our fire marshal on my left (in blue coat). http://www.tenmilemedia.smugmug.com/gallery/2030226#223390279-A-LB







Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Sat, 12/15/2007 - 16:08
how does a water tower catch fire?

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