So, um...thats it?


Shared on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 15:21

 I was just going over the release dates at IGN, trying to figure out what else was coming out the rest of the year.  I found the results underwhelming, to say the least.  Aside from the XBox Originals games, there's DDR2, an ATV game, a few other B titles, and of course espanol?  WTF?  EA has sunk to new depths. 

Anyway, looks like Rock Band was the last big one for the 360 this year and going by the other systems, the last one for console gaming period this year.Can't complain really, since 360 owners have had some big ones dumped on us the last month or so.  At least this gives us a chance to either enjoy those games or save up money to get some of them.  I have decided to break down and go ahead and get Rock Band.  Only problem is I can't afford it now nor any time soon lol.  I've been trying to google black market organ donor stuff, trying to see what I can get for a few non-vital pieces. 

It just seemed a little odd that the major releases are done already for 07.  Ah well, like I said...can't complain about whats come out this year.  I can't remember any other year that had this kind of gaming quality from start to finish.

And oh yeah, don't forget to check out Mojo421's new J-Spot blog, updated with some big rock news:



jikado's picture
Submitted by jikado on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 03:51
Yep, time to start looking forward to around February. Mercenaries 2, GTA4 come to mind. There was something else that recently got 'pushed back' to Feb, but I can't remember what it was. Isn't there another Soul Calibur game coming, or is it out already?
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 06:40
Yeah, I think it might be SC. Are you positive about GTA being in February? Hope so, that would be a nice way to get through the duldrums of winter. :)

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