10 Reasons You Should Start That Holiday Workout


Shared on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 10:43

10.  The stairmaster you bought for Christmas last year is still in box .   AND you're still a slob.

9.   Unlike you, the reindeer sweater your spouse makes you wear every year isn't getting any bigger.

8.  Your sweat is made up of 70% turkey gravy & 30% eggnog

7.  You can try doing a pushup but it would probably rip your chest open.

6.  That weird guy that can't walk straight will get picked for basketball before you do.

5.  The pinup model you had tattooed on your arm a few years back know looks like Rosie O'Donnell.

4.  Your fat calls have fat cells.

3.  You've been asked to play Santa at 3 different holiday parties.

2.  You wonder what the mistletoe berries taste like.

1.  At this very moment, your signifcant other is thinking about you....  and your jiggly ass.     




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