Shared on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 08:15My daughter is very busy with her work, family and whatnot. We did carve out some time to have lunch together and just hang out for a few hours the other day. It was sooooo nice. I don't remember when she became a "woman", but a very fine one she is! We are at the point now where we can actually talk about "grownup" things, and she has become very wise. We discussed many things, including what's going on with family dynamics, work (we are both nurses), Christmas stuff, the fact that I missed my son-in-law's bday (my bad!), and our desire for world domination. I didn't actually realize she also was seeking world domination. It was nice to find that out. We can work on that together, now. I also asked her if she still wanted "the world with a fence around it" for Christmas, and, of course, she said yes. Ahhh, what a kid, um, woman, she is!
My lovely daughter, her husband, and my 2 gsons are avid gamers. Hmmm, go figure! The young ones like video games, of course. Shayde plays a little H3 when he's at my house. He can't play online at home. Strict Mom! Mostly, tho, he plays RPGs, and the little one, Adtler, is great on the Wii. The parents? They play Magic! Magic the Gathering, card game. Yes, they still play paper! They have Friday Night Magic every week at their house. Sometimes just the two of them, sometimes a small crowd, but always, always, they do the FNM thing. They have invited me several times, but.....I like online.
Last year I dragged them to the Philly LAN and hubby babysat. We had a blast! Leave the kids at home, and party, party! They will not be going to the NE LAN. Too bad. Oh, gotta run. Hafta work on some of that world dominance stuff.
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 08:49