Super Chuck


Shared on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 08:27

I love Chuck as much as anyone but this is a sad reflection on the state of American voters when Walker Texas Ranger is swaying results.

Here's a Chuck Norris fact you may not know. If Chuck Norris endorses you and appears in one of your campaign's TV ads, you take the lead in an Iowa poll and your Web server crashes. That's what happened to Mike Huckabee, the shrewder-than-you-realize former Arkansas governor (sound familiar?) who has become a major player in the tight Republican presidential race. The ad opens with Huckabee deadpanning: "My plan to secure the border? Two words: Chuck Norris." The camera moves back to reveal the Man Himself, who praises Huckabee as a solid, gun-loving, IRS-loathing conservative. Huckabee adds a twist at the end. "I approved this message ... So did Chuck." The ad, which ran in Iowa on cable for a week, has generated an astonishing 1.5 million YouTube views and clogged the campaign's Web site. Huckabee was rising in Iowa even before the ad, but he took the lead with Chuck as Huckster.


Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 09:14
Chuck is the shit, Bitch!! That being said, I wouldn't vote for someone because Chuck said so...........unless he threatened me with a round house kick to the head...then I would have to do it.

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