To Elite or not to Elite?


Shared on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 14:43

So, since there is still no good reason to own a PS3 (other than as a Blu Ray player) I am going back and forth trying to decide if I should get a 360 Elite.  I really dig the black color.  The bigger hard drive is starting to become a necessity.  HDMI is also a plus.  I would probably just move my old 360 to the downstairs tv so the kids could play so that's another plus.  The problem is I don't want to buy another system only to have a better version come out in a few weeks/months.

I have heard rumblings that the new Elites may perhaps contain an integrated HD-DVD drive.  That makes me want to wait.  After jumping on the 360 bandwagon at launch only to be plagued with problems and updated/better systems coming out shortly afterwards, I don't want to be too hasty (aka take it in the rear again).  But, I do loves my gadgets.  And, as I will soon be finishing out my home theater room, the Elite is looking more and more like a good thing. 

I guess I should wait until after Christmas at least.  Maybe there will be some sort of announcement about the HD-DVD stuff around the new year.  They gotta give us something to be excited about during the first quarter draught.

In other news, huge re-org again at work.  Nothing like radically changing the structure of our company and introducing the possibility of more "reductions" right before the holiday break.  A vacation just isn't the same unless you can worry the whole time about still having a job when you come back.  We already get to look forward to pay cuts, higher benefits costs and unknown raises and bonuses.  Just another in a long line of cost cutting measures that are all too common these days.  All this in the midst of record setting earnings and sincerest thanks and congratulations from the high ups.  Confusing.  Oh well, keeps things fun I guess.  Just thankful for what I do have.


SixTGunR's picture
Submitted by SixTGunR on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 00:20
Dude, before you go and get an Elite, you need to research the DRM issue. You may already know about it, so skip the rest of this if you do. First, I was burned, so forgive my rant... If you are the only gamertag on the box, then you have no worries. Get your Elite and enjoy it... If you are NOT the only gamertag on the box, then you're going to run into the DRM/DLC issue and you're not going to like it. Basically, your gamertag has to be signed into live for any gamertag to use the same content you're freely able to use on your current box. So, if you play offline games or have other tags on your box, it'll be a problem. PM me for details about my experience with the issue. There's plenty of info in the xbox forums if you search for it. Good luck...
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 14:55
The next major revision of the console isn't going to come until Summer 08. Details are minimal but the 65nm GPU is a given and i've heard rumors of built in HDDVD and built in WiFi, both of which Microsoft continues to claim they will never build in. So who knows, it's not like Microsoft hasn't lied before about what they're doing. Right now the biggest thing with the Elite is getting one with the new Falcon board. Check the 360 hardware forum for a thread i posted on how you can tell if what you're buying in the store is Falcon or not. You want Falcon not zephyr. I would guess that most the older zephyr models will be offloaded for the holidays so early next year it should be easier finding a falcon based Elite.
LudaToke's picture
Submitted by LudaToke on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 14:56
I would go with an Elite. I bought a "core" 360" back in May and in retrospect, I wish I had got an Elite. That is the thing about technology though, you can only have the newest toy for a short period of time before they release something newer, cooler and faster.
AirsoftSEAL's picture
Submitted by AirsoftSEAL on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 11:44
Yea...Just be glad you're not a hardcore PC gamer. Every single damn year I would have to upgrade something be it hard drive, processor, RAM, vidoe card...I finally converted to full time console and there's no going back!

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