Shared on Sat, 12/08/2007 - 06:56When my kids were growing up, we played "what if" a lot. We were poor as churchmice and didn't have a lot of "stuff", so many times our wishes turned to material things. Our favorite "what if" was "what if you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?" It was actually difficult to spend that money cuz we had the kind of lifestyle that we always made do with whatever we had. So, the list was almost always the same: a new house, car, various toys, and trips to wherever, Disney World and such. We had no imagination, but it was still fun.
Today, my question is a familiar one, but can also be fun. What if you were strolling along the beach, say, at the outer banks of North Carolina, and you saw something interesting stuck down amongst the sea shells and sand. Hmmm. You pick it up and it is muddy, so you rinse it off in the ocean water. Ahhh, shiney! You grab your beach towel and wipe it dry and give it a good rubbing to make it shine nicely. Yikes! All of a sudden a huge puff of smoke is released from the, what is it? some kind of pretty bottle?, and, lo and behold, a genie appears! You look around to make sure you are alone. Yep! Then, this georgous hunk (or hunkess) says to you: "Your wish is my command. I am here to grant you three wishes, so think carefully about what you would like to have." You think about it. Will I be frivilous, materialistic, selfish? How about generous? Try to trick the genie? One wish could be that I get 10 more, or an infinite amount. Well, genies are hard to trick. Ok, so I am not going to think too hard about it, cuz I know I will come across this genie another time in my life. So, here goes....
1. I would like to meet all of my "friends I've never met". A hugely long road trip would be nice. Oh, genie, that includes a suitable new car for travel, a GPS so I don't get lost, lotsa money to fund this trip, and all other comforts while I am on my quest. (did I trick the genie? maybe)
2. I would also like the ability to make life better for others. My friend's back would miraculously get better and she wouldn't need the surgery. Erica would sleep all night. Katie's mysterious ailment would disappear. Beth's sister would be cured. You know, stuff like that.
3. And, most of all, I would like to feel luved and wanted and needed. That, of course, would include getting a dust buster to eliminate the dust that is building up. Ahhhh, figure it out! (coded message? maybe....)
There is, of course, lots more. But that was the stuff off the top of my head.
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by J-Cat on Sat, 12/08/2007 - 09:34
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sat, 12/08/2007 - 12:21